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Posts posted by sniperscope

  1. 8" navel guns as sniperfire? Dam! I have been playing some PBEM games and 1 small meta.

    In my own games or playing PBEM I dont do so bad, in the meta game....sooner or later the German high command is going to have me shot. I cant seem to get going, making dumbass mistakes. Maybe it's the pressure of wanting not let my team down. The bottom line here I love this game.


  2. What do I set these setting too?

    "Auto set Midmap levels"? what level do I set it to, or just leave it alone?

    "Auto Midmap method" Bilinear or 8-tap anisttropic?

    "Auto detail level" What level should I set this to?

    Plus any other thing I can do to get the most out of the card?

    These are my cpu stats

    P2 450

    256 megs of ram

    TNT2 32 megs

    19inch Dell Trinitron

    Thanks in advance for your help


  3. I drove to the Orgins convention (I think it was no.2) in Baltimore where I saw SL displayed for the first time. No. 1 was in Staten Island many many years ago. I happend to be walking by the booth of A.H. when my brother (SS Peiper, a friend and myself saw the SL box. It was a very long drive back to NYC after that, we could not wait to start reading the rules and play. We played for years. I never did find the time to move on to ASL.


  4. NO BIG ASS UPDATE?? The forum, this game, this whole thing is going down the tubes fast, and now Maddog or Mad something, whatever has name is, is out sick puking, just great. I am deleting CM and going to play CC4. CC4, the best land based war game ever......gee I think I have the ebola virus................ Just kidding gang.

    Madmatt, I hope you are feel much better soon. Rest easy. However, as soon as up are back up to speed lets have a whopping big ass update.


  5. panzer_2nd_ss: "As good as CC4" you are going to be very disappointed. The two games are like apple and oranges. You can put CC4 down and walk away. CM is going to stick to your hands....time will seem to stand still, hours will go by and not be noticed. Pissed off wife, less sleep. Course in tactics 101,new sounds,textures, scenarios, operations and a brand new patch with new goodies added. welcome to war game heaven.


  6. My friend we all know the feeling of wanting the game on this forum. Some of the BTS brass is/are on vacation. Send them an email regarding your order. For the most part they do not anwser these types of requests here. Rest assured they will respond to you.


  7. Hi Greybeard: Welcome to our collective. Prepare yourself, sleepless nigths, lots of studying, a group of guys on this forum who love the game. New Patch 1.03 due out soon with new goodies added. New sounds, textures, scenarios, operations. We are now in wargame heaven.


  8. Ok you asked hahaha.......I kicked the pants off of my little brother, SS Peiper. Everytime he tried something I had something there ready for him. We played the scenario for about 6 hours before he raised the white flag. We were playing for the rights to the German forces. I am only making a general statement so as to give nothing away about the scenario. Close quarter fighting rocks.

    Danger seemed to be everywhere.


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