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Everything posted by mackenzie

  1. Hello Major! Glad to see Tacops is back on the map! I played you a couple of times a while back, and I'm interested in re-enlisting as a TacOpser-I'm ready for all comers. Once again into the breech of the arty discussion of four or five(?) years ago....For playability abstraction is probably a good idea and the TOF thing is not a big a thing for me as the on-map units which can go from march order to indirect fire without even a couple of minutes for the gunners to find out which way the barrels are pointing....and that M 109 battery firing without a command post and support personnel is a bit eerie...but the FOOs are well done and this goes a long way to addressing the expert knowledge and command structure neccessary for effective fire support. Keep up the good work! Colin MacKenzie ex gunner, Canadian Forces
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