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Posts posted by Xavier

  1. Hi,

    On one side, we have people who would like to be able to destroy bridges with demo charges. Yeah, it would be funn :cool:

    On the other side, BTS say that it isn't realistic at all. 30-45 min isn't enough to prepare the charges to destroy a bridge or a building. That's sade but right.

    But may be (just excuse me if this topic was discussed before redface.gif ) we could have a special TRP with a special assigned FO to modelize the charges placed before the game starts.

    The TRP would be for only ONE 'big boom' wich will always explose ON (not near)the TRP

    but only if the special FO (max 100 meters away from the TRP) has a clear los to hit and did have not move since the set up phase.

    Pretty cool no?

  2. Tiger, You save my life ! I love you :cool:

    But, how or where do you find these stuffs ?

    Just perfom some test...

    The game seems runing well now but I still have two little problems.

    1 - all explosions look like airburst explosions. I don't have any explosion on the ground :(

    2 - when I look at a vehicule or a tree in front of a transparent building, this vehicule or this tree is transparent too

    :confused: (same problem as slider)

    [ 06-10-2001: Message edited by: Xavier ]

    [ 06-10-2001: Message edited by: Xavier ]

  3. Great idea !

    You want a bunker with a turret ? or a concrete mg nest in the entrance of a fort?

    Have a look on these pics from my Cherbourg Map smile.gif



    it works very well !!!

    For the turreted bunker: place a bunker in the same place of a H39 tank in open ground. Then you come back to the map editor and you change the open ground tile for a terrain wich is not allowed for vehicles. This is necessary if you don't want to see your tank moving ;).

    For the MG nest. Place a bunker on a bridge (or under I don't remember ;)) It's very difficult to destroy and so it's very lethal...

  4. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I was also interested by your inclusion of rocket artillery in the OOB. I know a battery was set up nearby (St. Contest?) but do you know for sure if they engaged the Canadians attadcking Buron?

    My main source is the book of Dominique Barbe:"Charnwood, la bataille de Buron St Contest". I don't remember very well but I think the nebelwerfers fire on the canadians in the middle of the day. I must also change some little things in the briefings (to explain why there is a panther with a disabled gun and so, and so...)

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