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Richard III

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Posts posted by Richard III

  1. Well, I couldn't find a reference for British soldier's speech in WWII, but I did find a newspaper article featuring authentic British speech patterns in WWI.

    From The Onion, February 19, 1915:

    <h1>'Jolly Good' Brit Boys Die 'Cheerio, Can-do' Deaths</h1>




    With the British Armies in France --At 5 o'clock in the evening, the horizon

    of the Western Front glows a dull red, silhouetting Private Donald Derby, age

    17, as he peers of the tops of sandbags into no-man's land. "It's over the tops

    for us tonight, mate," he says, sipping a hot cup of tea. "There's nothing quite

    like a spot of trench warfare to get your tucker up. Biscuit?" he asks, proffering

    a crispy shortbread.</p>

    Private Derby is a typical British fighting man. It's all "Right-O, old boy!"

    and "Can do, sir!" for these plucky doughboys. Although they emerge as barely

    audible squeaks, Derby still forces the words, "It was a pleasure sir, Cheerio!"

    as he chokes on a cloud of mustard gas later that evening.</p>

    Now the 7th Royal Welsh Guards are enjoying a refreshing tea, swapping merry

    trench tales before tonight's assault on the German position near Cambrai. "Remember

    the row we had last month, mates, in the woods near Grenonville? Now, that was

    a scrap," says one soldier. "Aye, " pipes up Private Willy Boggins, a cheeky

    Cockney lad of 19. "Old Brewster 'ad both 'is arms shot clean off, but 'ee kept

    a-runnin' right with us over the barbed wire. 'Take more than two bullets to put

    me down, mates!,' 'ee shouted, until 'ee took one more in the noggin. Daft old

    dodger, that one!"</p>

    [boggins is killed by a mortar fragment.]</p>

    The soldiers share a concerned look, then lift their tea cups to their fallen

    comrade. A fellow with lieutenant's shoulder-pips pops his head out of an underground

    bunker. "Let's tidy up the trench before a bit before we go off, boys," he says.

    "So much nicer to come back to, eh?" </p>

    I hope tea cups will be featured in CM.

    [This message has been edited by Richard III (edited 12-08-99).]

  2. Included in the units list are the "88mm Raketenwerfer43 Puppchen" and "8cm Panzerabwehrwerfer 600." Now I am ashamed to admit it in the presence of all the grognards here, but I have never heard of these before. It seems obvious from the weapons' names what they are, but someone here must be able to describe them in some detail. Any web site info?


  3. Somewhere (I can't find the thread) was a discussion about black vs. red lines used to indicate in and out of command status. I had never even noticed the different lines until Fionn asked someone if they were color blind. I am a bit red-green color blind and therefore have to look very very carefully to discern the 'red' from the black lines. Since it is obviously of critical importance to easily determine the C&C status of a given unit, would it be possible to change this dark 'red' color to a bright color readily distinguishable from the out-of-coomand color. It would be enough to have one color be bright (in C&C) and the other dark (not in C&C).


  4. I think Steve should take some members of the Panzermuseum hostage until they fire up their vehicle collection for the tape recorder. Imagine: see a Tiger, hear a Tiger! One might be able to tell what sort of vehicle lurks over the hill be the sound it makes. This would be neat, but short of the hostage idea, I don't know how BTS could acquire the sounds.

    Say, come to think of it, if BTS tries out the hostage concept maybe they would also get some good insight into a new mission for Rainbow Six....


  5. Well, playing as US the results were:


    216 Casulaties (59 KIA)

    36 Captured (they surrendered on turn ?30

    3 Stugs KO


    50 Casualties (16 KIA)

    1 Sherman KO

    I didn't write down number of points, though.

    The woods on the hill by the objective must have had something like 100 HE shells fired into it. Oddly, I didn't see much in the way of enemy HQs. They must have all perished to long range HE fire.

    I said 'Hah, no puny AI is any match for ME!'

    Then I replayed the scenario as the Germans.


    (sound of bubble deflating)


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