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Michael Emrys

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Posts posted by Michael Emrys

  1. This may belong in an already open thread, in which case my apologies for starting an unnecessary one, but I am pressed for time at the moment and can't spend a lot here yet. But I did want to bring friends and colleagues up to date.

    On December 20th. I suffered a fall which fractured my upper right arm and had to spend the next three months in a nursing facility more or less incommunicado. I only arrived back home Monday and am scrambling to pick up where I left off. I had for instance 751 emails waiting for me which I have so far only managed to put a small dent in.

    Anyway, expect to hear more from me in the future. For some inexplicable reason, I missed you guys.



  2. 17 hours ago, landser said:

    More reliable is the fact that raining shells keep heads down and cause the enemy to sometimes expose themselves as they shift positions due to the effect of the falling shells around them.

    Artillery can also be an "area denial" weapon. Suppose you are the defender and for whatever reason you don't want the enemy to advance along a particular avenue. Dropping some shells there can be an effective discouragement. Same thing if you are attacking and you don't want the defender to shift reserves to the part of the line you plan to attack.

    One problem with advanced strategies like these though is that most scenarios don't provide enough arty to do them in a realistic fashion. The Allies especially used lavish amounts of artillery to get the job done and it wasn't all expended to destroy observed targets.


  3. 16 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    I wonder what the world would be like today if the deadly smallpox disease had not spread from the old world to the new, but the other way.

    Or if Native Americans discovered gun powder first and/or perfected the art of producing high quality steel first.


  4. When I first spotted the title of this thread, I was put in mind of a game by the same name published by SPI back in the early '80s. I had a copy and played it once with great pleasure, and would have eagerly played it again but circumstances intervened. I have often wished over the years that a computerized version had made its way to me, but alas that is yet to occur.


  5. 3 hours ago, John Kettler said:

    Also, please, what was the name of that game system you thought I'd enjoy?

    Unity of Command. They have just recently released a completely new addition, this time on the Western Front, but the one I would recommend starting with is the first one, which is set on the Eastern Front. In any event, there isn't a Mac version of the second game out yet and might be a couple of months or more before one is available.


  6. 1 hour ago, John Kettler said:

    ...a hardcore CMBS player, having replayed one scenario 20 times before cracking the code on how to win.

    You do me an injustice. It was only half a dozen instances of having my ass handed to me before I worked out a routine that allowed me to obtain Total Victory every time, usually with only one or two casualties, or even none at all. It is those that number somewhere around 20 or more. I find it interesting that each play through was a little different from all the others, the mark of a truly well-designed game system.


  7. 37 minutes ago, Pascucci said:

    I literally grew up on the CM v1 games, quite liked v2 early on as well and bought both Normandy and Italy soon after they came out, but I'm really disappointed in the current direction. 

    Okay. I guess we have reached a parting of the ways. That is a fact of life and I have had more of them than I can recall, let alone count. Well, good luck on your new course, and if you ever come this way again, the door will still be open.


  8. 1 hour ago, IanL said:

    I'll just add there is a lot of variability in how long it takes for infantry to pop smoke.

    That's worth remembering. I always like to give the smoke a turn or two to develop before I start my next move anyway. Tip: Check Conditions to see which way the wind is blowing and how strongly. A strong wind or blowing from the wrong direction can really mess up your plan.


  9. 8 hours ago, Boo Radley said:

    ...I can only imagine that your concept of "fun" with a joystick is something that even a mink breeder would not tolerate.

    Typical that that would be what your imagination would turn to first. Given that the web is what it is, there is probably a site devoted to...that kind of thing. Somewhere else.


  10. I want to move up to Catalina and it's good to know that CM will at least run on it. I have held off as long as I have due to some warning messages I got every time I opened a couple of my favorite aps. Haven't gotten those messages lately, so maybe the responsible companies have upgraded to 64 bit, but I've a little shy of giving it a try since once I upgrade there is no going back.


  11. 54 minutes ago, Sequoia said:

    Next week Thursday is the Thanksgiving Holiday in the U.S.  I doubt the BF team would want to screw up their Holiday by releasing right before it and all the headaches that come with a release.

    Interesting reasoning with a lot of logical strength. On the other hand, with all the time that they have put into it, they may be pretty confident that nothing major is going to crop up right away. Plus, they might be eager to get it off their plates so as to have a couple of days to kick back themselves. So...depends.


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