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Posts posted by PeterNZer

  1. Panzer,

    I think you overlook the fact that this game wasn't developed with "the gamers" in mind. It's first and foremost a product for wargamers. Older machines to find with this crowd, as there is no point in upgrading when you don't play graphics intensive games. (My ms-office runs really smooth at 150Mhz, thank you.)

    I got your point and we can argue a lot about this (I for one would really love to see smoother infantry graphics) but bottom line is that BTS wants to keep lower-end users in, and I respect their decision. Many people here are all for a historical correct database and accurate modelling of all kinds of weapons and stuff and don't care at all if there are 364 polygons used to create a grim look on a Panzer commander's face. ;)

    [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Lindan ]

  2. Like Germanboy already said, it was a conscious design decision by Steve and Charles, and I feel it was the right decision. You have a los tool to aid you, but have to rely on your feel of the terrain and plan ahead accordingly. Better players usually find better positions (which means that I usually find the bad positions :D)

    and this is ok for me.

  3. Na, da werden doch die dead bodies in der Pfanne verrückt. Ich wette der Thread wird von vom Glatzerten (ja Warphead, ich auch, ich weiss :D ) schneller zugemacht als MG-Teams run Aber was solls. Hallo Mami, ich war hier!

    Und falls es doch mehrere Lokalisationen für verschiedene Dialekte geben sollte, inklusive Nassauisch, dann koennen wir die ja im neuen unit-roster festhalten.


    [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Lindan ]

  4. Na also ich weiss nicht. Ich glaube ich bleibe bei dem Original. Die Übersetzung lutscht wahrscheinlich ja doch. (Kampf-Mission: Jenseits Überlord)

    Vielleicht indiziert die BPjS ja dann dass Spiel und die Modder müssen aus den Menschen Haribo-Bären und aus den Panzern futuristische Seifenkisten bauen...

    aus der "Opas Zitate-Kiste":

    "Die Flintenweiber, die warn die schlimmsten!!"

    [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Lindan ]

  5. Desantnik:

    Warphead and I had the pleasure to take a ride in the Czech (Germanized) version of a Sdkfz 251/1 over a historical battlefield in the ardennes. We moved at a rather slow speed for about 4km in total.

    Lessons learned:

    <ul>[*]this thing bumps up and down like hell

    [*]while on the move you need both hands to remain standing with any semblance of safety

    [*] you won'T fire and HIT anything smaller than a barn while on the move.

    [*] this thing is so small that there is barely space to sit for 9(10) people riding in it, let alone do something useful, like shoot, reloading weapons, etc.

    [*] you DON'T want to be in one when there is a battle going on. The first thing you think before climbing in one is: this is suicide under battle conditions. The armor is so thin that it's laughable.

    You can check this out for yourself at a small museum in the ardennes, in the village Poteau. Find a description and some pictures on Jagdtiger.de

    (click on link in my sig)


    [edited TYPOS!]

    [ 07-30-2001: Message edited by: Lindan ]

  6. The mood in this forum lately reminds me of the times when everybody played the beta demo and eagerly awaited the gold demo and the final game.

    There is a glimpse of CM2 on the horizon,

    more and more features of the game come to light, everybody is a bit bored or itchy, we have more flames, more padlocks and Steve starts to post more regularly...

    Things get definitely more interesting.


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

    My doctor said I should get out more see the world. get away from that Cesspool.. so here I am I have my wallet (no money) my car keys (I don't own a car but I liked the red one from that guy over there so I took his keys) my medicine (which came from Seanachomons locker) and a new pair of fresh underwear.


    Corporal Hicks: "Ferro, copy this. I say we take off and nuke the whole site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.."

    -- ALIENS II


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