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Posts posted by Lee

  1. MarkEzra: A good example of the kind of details you get in CM II. I wonder how many different hit locations there are on a typical tank, I bet it's a lot. smile.gif Plus, the angle the hit takes place at makes a big difference. Your M1 got hit in one of the worst spots it could have from a frontal angle like that. smile.gif

  2. KHuNT: Yeah, and according to some people Osama bin Laden is a great guy. So what, we're supposed to take idiots like that seriously?? There are always those who will support evil, or excuse it in some way. I'm not one of them, I have no lack of moral clarity on this topic. And I have no sympathy whatsoever for those that support, aid or actively participate in islamic terrorist groups, activities, funding, planning, etc. They are our enemies, period.

    And for the record, those terrorists that went back for that RPG *were* stupid, really stupid. That's why our soldiers were laughing at them. smile.gif

  3. Yeah, it would be great for CM II to have accurate aircraft engine and weapons sounds (real audio samples) like those heard in these actual combat videos whenever possible for air strike missions. smile.gif

    Fortunately, this would be a simple matter. Just play the appropriate sounds when the aircraft are making their attack runs. Hopefully this will be added soon. smile.gif

  4. Here's some more cool air strike footage. smile.gif

    The first is a building or several buildings in Iraq where terrorists were hiding out in. Apparently 4 500 lb. bombs and 6 2,000 pounders were dropped on them by F-18's. smile.gif Two of the big ones didn't go off, though.

    One of the videos is a practice CAS run in a MH-53M Pave Low IV chopper at night with miniguns and Browning .50 cal (in Iraq, I think).

    The other chopper video is actually a Blackhawk (MH-60L DAP gunship variant) attacking terrorists in Iraq with miniguns, 30mm cannon and rockets at night. Very cool video, this version of the Blackhawk owns! smile.gif The title is wrong, it's a Blackhawk.


  5. BTS has hardly "sold out". Yeah, CM II looks way better than any previous CM wargame, but it's also way more detailed and realistic. smile.gif It's the most realistic of tactical land combat computer wargames, by far. Where even small details of where your troops are located or what direction your tank is facing make a difference in how a battle might go.

    As far as having moving suspensions and stuff like that, look, if you're designing a new graphics and physics engine from the ground up, then you might as well put those kind of details in while you're at it. This engine (with upgrades, of course) is going to be used for a *very* long time to make CM games, so why not make it look good? Personally (and I'm a wargamer that puts a high value on realistic combat calculations), I find that such realistic graphical touches really draw me into the action, they make the battle much more believable when I'm watching the fighting up close. smile.gif

  6. Steve: Perhaps there's a middle ground on this. smile.gif

    If you were to take mikewhol up on his offer of doing the M113 model for you guys for free, and then add the M113 in one of the upcoming expansion packs, then Dan wouldn't have to spend time making the model (you guys would just do the internal stuff, armor, sub-systems, crew locations, etc.), and everyone who has the expansion pack that the M113 is released in would have the M113 (no dozens of variations on which player has which equipment available to them in CM II to worry about in scenario design).

    This way, mikewhol gets credited for the design of the model, BTS gets to sell it as part of the game with minimal effort, and the CM fans get another cool vehicle to use in battles. Everyone wins. smile.gif What do you think?

  7. Yeah, love that laser at night, very cool. smile.gif I wish some of these videos were available in higher res.

    John Kettler: Don't know of any footage after the smoke clears, but I think it's safe to say the terrorists in there got nailed. smile.gif

    Check out this video of an A-10 pilot doing an insanely low pass over some of our guys. haha smile.gif

  8. Any variants of the M113 would be good to have in CMII. smile.gif The ones I named would be particularly fun, even though they aren't currently in use, and maybe they'll convert some back over to those configurations again. smile.gif

  9. I certainly hope the M113 APC will be added soon in one of the modules or patches, it's a really important vehicle to have in CMII. That's one of the most noticeably missing vehicles right now.

    There are so many interesting variants of the M113, like the quad .50 cal mount version and the M163 Vulcan Air Defense System variant. It would be really cool to have some for use in battles! smile.gif

  10. Here's that video that J_Toe posted earlier, but which is no longer on liveleak. Always risky calling in CAS, apparently this A-10 drifted a bit on it's attack run, or they called it in too close for comfort. Thank God our English friends were ok, though. smile.gif

  11. In that video link I posted, *our own soldiers* can be heard making fun of the terrorists for being so incredibly stupid as to come back to the same spot to get an RPG to shoot at our guys when we just got done shooting at them in the exact same location seconds earlier.

    I guess next we'll have someone come on here and try to lecture U.S. soldiers in combat on how they should be more sensitive to the feelings of terrorists and not mock them after shooting them... :rolleyes:

  12. Great A-10 videos, the best combat video quality I've ever seen! Looks like our English friends got a real up close look at what an A-10 does on an attack run. smile.gif Glad everyone was ok. smile.gif

    Here's a video of some stupid terrorists coming back to get an RPG to fire at one of our Bradley's after the Bradley crew has already fired on them just seconds before in the exact same alley. Even by pathetic terrorist standards, these guys are retarded. haha smile.gif


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