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Herr Jung

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Everything posted by Herr Jung

  1. In the thread started few days ago, 'Los' shared some of his film sources as follows: RE: Those documentaries I mentioned The Panzer's Marsch can be obtained here: http://www.jjfpub.mb.ca and the FrontSchau (and some other good documentaries, should be available here: http://www.scholarsbookshelf.com/ I thought I would do the same. Check out 'International Historic Films' at http://www1.viaweb.com/ihf/index.html They have all kinds of foreign movies and rare documentaries. Few days ago, I received 'The Bridge (Die Bruecke)', 'Winter War (Talvisota)', 'Men Against Tanks', and 'Sniper: The Invisible Enemy.' My brief comments are as follows: 'The Bridge' - one of the best war films I've seen, glimpse of German small town life, what boys think of war and service, unusual look of joining and experiencing the German army, great MG42 scenes, etc. 'Winter War' - very good war film, on par with 'Stalingrad (93)' and 'When Trumpets Fade (HBO)'; didn't know Finns used Nazi-style helmets; dissappointing to not see ski troop action and daring hit-and-run tactics, though Russians were portrayed as being unbelievably dumb it was hard to understand how the Finns held out with their poor weaponry; where are the Maxim-type HMGs mowing down the Russian juggernaut?; could've been better 'Men Against Tanks' - WWII German training film shot like a movie; real captured T-34s & KVI in action; Germans use magnetic mines, AT mines, smoke grenades, bundle grenades, explosive charges, burning gas cans to destroy tanks; never seen anything like it (except some in 'Stalingrad'); though much of it is fantasy, super documentary though I wish there were more on panzerfaust/shrecke use (solved me a long-standing Q: what happens to infantrymen in foxholes/trenches when tank tracks roll over) 'Sniper' - German WWII sniper training film, incredible 1 hr package on ABC of being a German sniper, camo/movement technique, hand signals, battle recreations, dummy tricks, using terrain; you have to see it to believe it, till now I only heard about the aggressive use of sniper teams by the Wehrmacht; does justice where SPR failed There are more videos from IHF that I intend to purchase eventually, including "Sieg im Westen', 'Fortress Europe: Behind Enemy Lines on D-Day', 'Die Frontschau', Leni Riefenstahl films, etc. [This message has been edited by Herr Jung (edited 08-22-99).] [This message has been edited by Herr Jung (edited 08-22-99).]
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