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Posts posted by Goanna

  1. Don't lie, you've been in jail haven't you?

    Does a glavnee upravleneeyah lagerai count?

    Not all bad, as I got a Russian bird out of it.

    I also relocated to Perth, and can therefore send you hot steaming death in near real time, because unless I am mistaken, you are also out here in the workers paradise.

    I also see that that OGlanguagemanglerSF is still kicking (but sadly not the wee Maggie) so perhaps a can of whooparse is also in his near future. I mean it not like he has anything else to do in Colorado, where winter has at least 4 months to go, and I am sure he can't afford to leave the house with the state he and his ilk have allowed the economy to get to over there in the Great Satan.

  2. Funny you should mention him. His name popped up in my mind a day or two ago. This is starting to take on the atmosphere of one of those scary movies.


    Nice to see I can still haunt you Michael. Obviously I can appeal to your lizard brain. Nice to see you have been building up an improved list of people who admitted you are correct in the last 8 years, or perhaps that is your lifelong list.

    I notice your wife isn't referenced, however.

  3. Hey Lads.

    Sorry I dropped in to the IPad app thread and put in a comment after many many years, mostly to give kudos to the BF boys, but also to see if my details were still in this thing. And now I feel like a rock star, with a join date back in the 90s

    So, feel free to all bow down and hail me.

    I would have posted last week again in answer to Emrys or others, but I am a real important company uppity up now, and didn't get back to it.

    It may also have something to do with the fact that after I tried out the iPad app, I then did more investigating and have since bought, installed and lost a weekend going back to Normandy in the full game.

    So then, who was treating me in the manner to so which I richly deserved via PBEM the day prior to my OSX upgrade?

  4. Testing. . .testing. . .

    . . . is thing on?

    Just wanted to say great game guys, very well done with a balance of simplicity and quick games vs the detailed planning and control of the full game (I assume). I played CMBO out and had a pretty good crack at its sisters too, before I made the move to OSX and left you guys behind.

    Nice to be back and hope I can contribute something. Only one repeatable error and suggested fix. In the setup of mng of the 902, if I attempt to dismount the rifle team from the M10 in the setup phase and it always crashes the game. I hate losing a whole setup, and request a quick save button in that phase that reloads if there is a crash, please.

    I will now go back to being slaughtered by whomever was my opponent back in the day. Berli? Elvis? Moriarty? Does Peng still live?

  5. Just wanted to stop by and see that you pack of pontificating bile spillers were still all tightly packed in the one group and no one has been allowed to wander off while the minders' backs were turned. Quite an argument FOR a tactical nuclear strike if you ask me.

    Back to Russia for me this weekend, so I for one won't be taking the piss out of anyone about the weather today.

    ta ta

  6. Right, so he's either a smelly goat or a willing cuckold. Thanks for the research. I will add that to my grogly body of minutiae. Because, you know, I am clearly exposed as a grog. Oh yeah, it’s true you boys. Despite the fact that I rarely do anything but the most perfunctory research, I am clearly “one of you” and not just the exceedingly attractive wisearse you suspected me to be before.

  7. Mace: You mean this?.....
    No, I think the servicing with the porcelain pole is older than even the treatment that the Olde Firm provides. Also not nearly as cruel, but far more personal by design and gut-wrenchingly vile.

    Lars you are a paragon of your state, the king hermit in a state full of shut-ins and those that ought to be. Chicago is far and away the best of the ****e piles of humanity that you call cities in Amerika and you ought to venture there more often until you get into the spirit of the place (or at least get mugged a few times). Then you can return home to your land of 37.5 m2 lakes and feel worldly, and be the one considered by both your friends as wind swept and interesting. They’ll say:

    Bumpkin Clod A: “See there goes Lars, he’s the one that travels

    Bumpkin Clod B: “Yup, and I hear he didn’t even take his boot”



    Yadda (ad nauseum)




    (add extra nauseum, because after all we are talking Minnesota here)

  8. That'll be the day, when we take a pinch from a graesy little SSN with member number in the bazillions. And those Special Olympics jokes are going to have the Texas lawyers all over you like a cheap suit, lad.

    Just like a Kiwi to take the name of vodka from {snarf!} New Zealand. Why don't you name yourself after a sheep, or a good dry fly or something related to bungie or something you could be rightfully proud of (or at least know something about)? Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a Kiwi.

    Geier thanks for the invite, mate, but I am not sure when I will fire up CM again. I am about to buy a new Laptop which will only run on OSX and will therefore keep me from playing any CM soon. And I do so long for some more of the treatment that only The Olde Firm can supply. I will also be pretty busy for the next year as it would appear I am going to get involved in a JV here in the Rodina for the next year.

    But I will try to keep up and pass on the odd painful observation and a few bits of Russian trivia. For instance, were you aware that Lenin's favourite tree was the cottonwood? Yuzhno is just filthy with that cotton ****e in the air every afternoon in the summer (both weeks of it), which is like having it snow and thereby reminding us of what it looks like around here predominately. This, to me adds proof to a thesis I am developing. Namely, Lenin had some pretty good ideas, but his taste was in his arse.

    Not unlike dirty old Jo Xia actually.

  9. Originally posted by the Bard:

    God bless you, Goanna, wherever you are.

    Thank you for the sentiment, but it has been tried before and it didn’t take. Plus it gave me a nasty rash until my next molting. Nice to see you are still working with the children of crack mothers and being relatively public spirited when you really ought to have gone the bitter old Jo Xia route, literally, years ago now.

    Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    Goanna give me a holler if you want to continue our games from a while ago.

    I would Hiram but (1) only Yank mouth-breathers that are stupid enough to move TO the south actually “holler”, and (2) I don’t even have CM on my laptop at present. When I am ready to begin again, you will all be required to tear fresh strips off me.

    the aptly named Pondscum:


    Yeah, that’ll be the day, when a Pom offers the first shout. However, given all the obvious interest, I can offer the following information. The leg is pretty much all better and Siberia is actually to the west of me.

    Leeo erred by:

    I thought Stalin was dead?

    See, now there you go thinking again.

    Сталын Жил. Сталын Жив. Сталын Вудет Жнть

    (currently I think he’s hiding out in a cave outside Tikrit with a wireless set)

    Now we would like to interrupt this telethon on with an ÜberLizard Update!:

    Each of you has likely fallen prey to my cunning plan (yes, yes, it was named a weasel) of feinting for nearly ten months and have surrendered to me, no? Well, if not then obviously breathing a sigh of relief at not having to continue on in a game with a person who was doing actual live research in the setting of CMBB. One day son I may be ready to put that research to work on you lot, or at least fill you in on the salient details of the last year. Nice to see I get such a good mention in the first thread I returned to read, until it turned in to a bag of SSN ****e. I was really hoping I was going to get to attend a welcome home banning there for a minute. We do so enjoy a human sacrifice, oh yes we do.

    Да завтра, товарищ

    [ July 15, 2003, 02:15 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

  10. [serious]Sorry bout that Kev, always rough to lose a faithful companion.[/serious]

    Now, the rest of you carbuncles. Feeling sad, lonely and neglected? Perhaps that's because you haven't received a turn, or correct turn form me in recent days. Well, that's because I am waaaaaay to important to keep up propoerly with your insiginificant lives. Either that, or I bollocks up my e-mail forwarding during travels. So, basically, if your name is anything other than Bemoan, Berli or Lars all of whom got turns sent this morning, then send me somefink.

    Or don't. Play might slow down for me a bit as I am off to experience the Russian winter first hand next week.

  11. Yeah, very good point Bullethead. I have already started changing my buying tactics (buying mostly on board mortars for suppression) and only using FOs for prep or timed barrages. But with all the changes, I just find CMBB much more frustrating to play, and hence am less likely to keep playing it like I did CMBO. Maybe the game as a whole is just growing old for me or something like that. Anyway, thanks for your your always valuable FO perspective.

  12. Thanks for your comments Bullethead. I was waiting for you to comment on an arty thread prior to having an unsupported rant. I wanted to see if the delay times are realistic, because they seem not.

    For instance. I have LOS with a 105 spotter to a large building to the north with a field behind it and east that has vast hordes of Russians sneaking through it in August prior to harvest. I can see the buggers go in since I am on a hill about 1 km away, but not once they get in there. Since I can see the big building I figure I will have the spotter target that, then get on the blower and have battalion walk the rounds 100 m away into the field after they are landing and I have adjusted for accuracy. Sound realistic?

    Unfortunately, the CMBO engine says that when I try the walk move, I have to wait a whole 7 minutes (!) for the adjustment even though the spotter is right there on the phone, can see the initial rounds land and all I want is a shift of no more than 100 m.

    It's experiences like this that make me question the efforts that have been made to make the game more realistic. Basically, as I see it currently off-map arty is only good for prep barrages.

    This and a number of other "added realism" effects have seriously made me consider what dalem's was on about in another thread. What I think he was trying to say is that it may be more realistic, but is it more fun? Maybe I should stop upgrading my CM and just stick to CMBO because in many ways, I think that game was more fun to play.

  13. To: The Bard

    From: Cmdr AoS Grupp Sud

    Re: Your Last Turn

    In all of the soddings, you forgot to mention sodding bloody tactical genious. So tell me, how's it going to feel to fail to overcome us once again? You must be cursing your gods and be nearly ready to rush into the embrace of Berli with what fate has dealt you in our matches.

    Honestly, have you ever seen two flamethrower teams dump their entire loads and get away for a refill before? Me neither. I'd hate to be you if it weren't such a step up from hating to be me.

  14. The Bard:

    The best part of my Quest to Crush All Australians is that it doesn't leave the abuse and belittlement of them in the hands of other Aussies, a role for which they are simply not suited.

    Oh contraire, you overstuffed bag of gaseous emanations. The best part of your {snicker} quest {tee hee} are the chuckles, chortles and raging belly laughs we gets each time we watch a new episode of this quest played out minute by glorious minute. Turn 22 of the quest {snarf} redux 3 v the AoS Gruppe Sud features the second of our pioneer flamethrower teams throwing a little barbeque (aussie style) in which the Bard is both the prime guest and featured item on the menu. Mmmmm, mmmm, who wants some crispy gnome hot off the grill. Get some of that pink stuff off the belly there lads, it’s the most tender.
  15. Some water tart:

    You may expect a setup Real Soon Now. What scenarios have you played off the CMBB CD? (You punter.)

    Hmmmm, Real Soon Now. Leads me to ask Berli what the temperature in hell is today and what he reckons the chance of a freeze are. Wussy. Anyway, Gozlow, Eberswalde and the Dergatchzi Op are out. Get cracking.

    … something about a dry socket apparently.
    Dry socket. Sounds like a description of the entire inside of your skull to me.
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