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Posts posted by Dar

  1. 19 hours ago, womble said:

    My comment about cycle timing: units do not spot continuously. It's simply not possible to arrange for that to be the case on domestic hardware in the architecture available. So elements "take it in turns" to spot. The default, maximum time between spotting assessments (the spotting cycle) is 7s. The frequency goes up as units get closer. But there is turn-taking going on, in the sense that not everyone spots at the same time, so each unit's individual cycle can be up to 3.5s out of step with any other given unit. Who's spotting "first" (measured as "after any given moment") is arbitrary. Spotting is not deterministic, so a missed spotting roll can mean the opponent gets 10s or so of spotting time before you get another. Of course, in your example, the units are really close together, so the spotting cycles are almost certainly about as short as they'll ever get, but Shermans are fast and nippy, so it doesn't take long to close and it's entirely possible for you to get unlucky once or twice as the stricken tank's mate scurries through the smoke. Had your loader finished getting the next round up the spout?

    Thanks, womble--I can certainly understand that limitation given the hardware and number of calculations that need to be going on, and how that can grow exponentially with the addition of a single extra unit.  I'll be keeping that in mind in future plays and try to account for it with increased distance, more units, etc.

  2. 9 hours ago, womble said:

    In the specific example you've given, the Sherman is getting the benefit of concealment, in the shape of the bocage corner it's still half-hidden behind, whereas the StuG is sitting baldly out in the open. Of course the M4 will see the StuG instantly. The spotting rules are the same for the AI/other player, and there is a disadvantage to being the moving party in a "fast draw" scenario (tests have been done). The M4 wasn't blind, so it's not that tanks just don't see well, is it? If this is how you usually set up ambushes, it's not a surprise that you get consistently crappy results.

    Replayed that same scenario again after my initial post.  This time the StuG nailed the first Sherman to round the bend.  Then it was apparently so blinded by its own muzzle blast that another Sherman looped around the first one and closed half the distance to the StuG nailing it in one shot--the StuG never even saw it.  

  3. Playing CMBN 3.0 and really getting annoyed at motionless AFVs set for ambush getting spotted and whacked by enemy tanks on the move.  Multiple times I've had units just sit there while an enemy drives right across their 12 o'clock completely undetected, yet the moving unit not only spots the motionless one first but has time to rotate their gun to their own 2 or 3 o'clock and get off multiple shots.  

    Are units not penalized for spotting when on the move?  Are moving units not more easily spotted than stationary ones?  

    Yes, I've RTFM.  I've set covered arcs, opened up the hatches/exposed the commander, made sure the "hide" toggle is off...  

    Attached screenshot shows one example--StuG in hull down position set to ambush any unit that comes around the bend in the hedgerows.  A Sherman drives right up and nails the StuG with one shot.  All I see are sound contacts.

    Bad luck, FoW, whatever--I can understand that once in a while, but it's far too common in my experience.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be more than willing to give them a try.


  4. Certainly love the CMxx series--the closest thing to having ASL come to life--but there are many, many old classics I'd love to see revisited and updated.

    I loved playing "Red Storm Rising" on the ol' C-64, blowing up all kinds of Soviet surface ships and subs.

    Harpoon was a great modern naval sim too.

    Microprose classics:

    M-1 Tank Platoon

    Silent Service (WWII Pacific sub war)

    AH-64 Apache simlulator (I forget the game name)

    B-17 Flying Fortress -- Gawd, I loved targeting marshalling yards through the Norden then switching to target view to watch the yard get plastered...

    Task Force 1942 (naval engagements around Guadalcanal) -- flares, torpedo runs, filling up Iron Bottom Sound

  5. I used to have a whole slew of them--Squad Leader, Dauntless, Submarine, Panzer Leader, Panzerblitz, etc.

    However, they were sitting in my parents' basement for the last 15 years collecting dust so I finally took them all and sold them on eBay.

    I still kept "Russian Campaign" and "Up Front" (the squad-level, card-based game that is really a great game and a novel concept), but all the rest are gone. All those adult responsibilities took over and computers allow more flexibility and better fog-of-war simulation.

    Many of my current friends aren't much into wargaming, but we do get together on occasion and I've got them to try some other boardgames like "Settlers of Catan", "Way Out West", and "Carcassonne".

    There's some info on these and others at:

    FunAgain games

    Boardgame Geek

    [ November 05, 2002, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Dar ]

  6. I was just thinking last night about how cool it would be if I were back in college and had infinite spare time to goof off again... I'd challenge a dorm-buddy to a combined game of Avalon Hill's "Russian Campaign" boardgame and CMBB, using CMBB's QB generator to resolve all of the combats!

    For those of you who missed the joy of "Russian Campaign", it was a fairly simple, entry-level board wargame with cardboard chits representing German corps and Russian corps and armies simulating the entire East Front campaign in WWII. It's a true classic, and one I've held onto since I was a jr. high young'un.

    I thought each point of attacker's attack strength and defender's defense strength could represent 100 force purchase points. If a Stuka counter were involved the German player would get, naturally, a Stuka in the QB.

    Of course, the terrain, time of year, weather, and all that that "Russian Campaign" simulates would be entered into the QB parameters as well. And the force selection would be restricted to the type of units involved.

    The only thing I haven't given too much thought to is the resolution of casualties--i.e. what level of victory in the QB equates to a "Defender Retreat", "Attacker Retreat", "Exchange", "Defender Surrender", etc. Perhaps a CMBB "Draw" = RC "AR", "Tactical Victory" = "EX", "Total Victory" = "DE"/"DS"... something like that...

    All this further compells me, though, to request that BTS develop some overlying strategic or campaign game that could tie in the battles and give the player a feel that he's working toward some larger goal.

  7. Originally posted by Brightblade:

    That´s not quite true. German tanks had steering wheels very early. AFAIK already PzIII had a steering wheel, maybe even the earlier models.

    Yes, hence the word "most" instead of "all".

    Of course, maybe "many" would have been a better choice, since most implies ">50%".

    Oh, the semantics! The humanity!

  8. Originally posted by Sirocco:

    [QBI know that "jabo" is pronounced more like "yahbo", but the "g" in "jagd" has always confused me. How do you pronouce the "G" part in your example?[/QB]

    Yeah--"Jabo" = "YAH-boh".

    "Jagd-" = "YAHGD" You pronounce the "G" and the "D" and it's all one syllable.

    One nice thing about German, as opposed to other languages (like French especially), is that there are few silent letters. I feel sorry for people learning English as a second language when they encounter all our variations of "-ough", e.g. the Dr. Seuss book:

    "The tough coughed as he ploughed the dough."

    Such fun!

  9. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BJamesN:

    I hate to bring up my gripes on the public forum, as I'm usually very happy with Battlefront...but they haven't replied to any of my emails, billed me for the game, and I still have nothing....I understand that things happen, but come on guys, at least comunicate with us.... :(

    The problem with your order is that you abreviated Salt Lake City as "SLC" and listed Uganda as your country. As such, thats where you order went. We are re-shipping you your order tomrorow though.


  10. Ever played that old arcade game "Battlezone", with the crude polygon tanks that you shoot up with your own tank? It had two joysticks, one for each tread on your tank. To go straight, you pushed both up. To reverse, both back. To pivot left or right push the right or left joystick--respectively. To pivot faster, push one joystick and pull the other.

    In modern times, most tanks have steering wheels like cars, but in WWII most tanks used controls just like the "Battlezone" game.

  11. I ordered it on a Monday and had it by Thursday. I live near Pittsburgh.

    I expect in NH that you'd have it by Wednesday if you RUN (don't walk) to the order page right now!

    Welcome to the club... Kiss your friends, family, and social life good-bye for the next few weeks.

    And keep the phone number for pizza delivery handy, or have your family slide Pop-Tarts and cheese slices under the door.

  12. Well said, Axe!

    I am getting such a damn thrill out of watching the grunts toss grenades, grenade bundles, satchel charges, Panzerwurfgranaten, etc. that it probably shouldn't be legal!

    I also love the little puffs of dirt from incoming rounds--nice new touch.

    The trees swaying in the wind is another great addition.

    The new tank combat model in which the crews don't bail immediately, crew morale is modelled, and guns continue to shot at a target until it's confirmed dead is a great change.

    All in all, one great sequel! My only complaint is that we apparently still need to exchange 3 emails for a turn instead of 2 (haven't played a PBEM game yet, but I read that it hasn't changed).

    The king (CMBO) is dead! Long live the king (CMBB)!

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