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  1. Thanks for the answers all. That's exactly what I was looking for. Pax, Troy
  2. No, obviously I have never carried a heavy machine gun. That's why I asked the question. I was hoping for a little bit more detailed response. I don't have a problem with it being modeled in the game as it is. I'm just looking for the real world reasons behind it. As I said, I suspect it has to do with equipment weight...but I would still like to know why. Pax, Troy
  3. Hello all from an infrequent poster, I'm a strategy gamer, but not a grognard. I have a degree in History, but focused on ancient civilizations not world war 2. My question has to do with the HMG squads in the Last Defense scenario. What is the reason for them moving so slowly? And why do they not have the option to run? Is it because of the weight of the equipment they are carrying and the time it takes to break down and set up again? Thanks in advance, Troy
  4. Fionn, Would it be too much trouble to post your compiled list of names and nationalities to the board? That way we could see what might be getting into the game, as well as verifying that our submissions have been received. Thanks, ChromaTick
  5. BTS, Here is another vote for the sliding percentage ability..if it's not too difficult to code in. Otherwise, keep up the great work!! ChromaTick
  6. It looks like it's back up again!!! ChromaTick
  7. Rick, I'm having the same problem. Pax, ChromaTick
  8. Hi all, Does anyone out there play The Last Crusade CCG from Pinnacle Entertainment? Just curious. You don't need to reply in thread if you don't want too. My e-mail is ChromaTick@yahoo.com. Pax, ChromaTick
  9. Thomas, I pretty much agree with your four categories of determining whether or not to purchase a game. That's generally the policy I follow. In the last two years, I have NEVER pre-ordered or purchased a game in the first few weeks after release. (As a result I have a 100% track record of getting games that I enjoy and that are free of major bugs) Don't worry BTS, I'm 95% sure I will purchase this game, but I have to play the demo, and see the reviews from some trusted sites first. Pax, ChromaTick
  10. BTS, Do you have any plans on getting copies of your games to some of the major print magazines (CGW, PCgamer, etc) for Previews/Reviews? Thanks, ChromaTick
  11. Steve, I don't think EAX is that bleeding edge of a technology, but it is fairly new I guess. Perhaps something to include in a future patch or at least in CM2. I'm sure you could do wonders with those environmental sounds. Pax, ChromaTick
  12. BTS, Just a quick question guys. Are you planning on supporting EAX for all these incredible sounds? Pax, ChromaTick
  13. First of all, let me say that I have high hopes for Battlefront.com in general, and BTS in particular. This concept has been a long time coming, and I'm glad it has finally arrived. I've boycotted so many companies for their poor business practices, that I'm down to only buying about 3 games a year! I've been following this game for about 3 months now, but I can't recall this question being answered anywhere. I know that CM will support multiplayer, and I assume that means you will be able to play it on a LAN. Will you please, please, please allow for multiplayer spawning off of one CD? I look forward to the release of CM. Keep up the good work. Pax, ChromaTick
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