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Posts posted by Blindicide

  1. This is part of a page I just found giving quite detailed info on driving a Hetzer.

    "Steering of the Hetzer is accomplished in two ways. Radius steering, used for all normal steering, is accomplished by simply pulling on the steering lever for the direction of turn desired. This applies a braking effect to the track on that side, slowing the track in proportion to the force applied to the steering lever. Release of the lever returns full power to the track and the vehicle drives straight ahead. Point steering, used to "turn in place", is accomplished by first depressing with your thumb, the button on the handle of the steering lever and then pulling back on the lever with button still depressed. This causes that track to be disconnected from the final drive and be braked to a full stop. Power must be applied in all turns to give the tracks the force required to make the turn without stalling the engine. The Hetzer does not have the capability to reverse one track in relation to the other and turn in place. The smallest turn possible gives a turning radius of about 4.5 meters."

  2. Taken from 'The Guns of Normandy'by George G Blackburn this account is for 25pdr guns.

    "A troop,rolling down the road "on wheels" goes into crash action the moment the Gun Position Officer (GPO) receives over the radio the map reference of an unseen target miles away,with the order "Right ranging...Fire!"

    To the GPO,who has been assiduously following his map to ensure he knows exactly where he is at any given moment,that message means:Get your guns deployed in the nearest field and put them on line to that target,using your map,your compass,the dialsight of your pivot gun,and a local aiming point;and then give them the range so your pivot gun can get off a ranging round that will land on or near the target,which your troop commander can see and use to complete the ranging.

    Every troop in the Regiment can routinely bring its guns into action and get off the first round within three to five minutes of receiving such a target while travelling along a road.(Three minutes if there is no unusual delay because of the terrain)."

    Presumably that delay would be slashed quite a bit if the guns were already set up,but I'm still reading the book and haven't come across that yet.

  3. If it was just a question of replacing one piece of hardware with another then maybe,just maybe,I would agree with you.Unfortunately,as often as not things don't work out that way.I bought my current machine less than twelve months ago(PIII-450)which at the time was about as good as you could get,but which is probably below an entry level machine if there are 850's about.

    Back to the point I'm trying to get at,when I upgraded,the reason I bought a new machine was because to go from my old P-166 meant not only buying a new chip but a new motherboard,replacing all the RAM and buying a new case for it all to fit in.Then I would have found my old graphics card was so ancient that everything was slowed down to it's level and had to replace that.Then the cost of paying someone to put the new motherboard in(I don't mind putting in new cards,RAM etc but wouldn't go as far as a new board).All in all it would have come to rather more than $200,and the sound card,hard drives and modem would still have had to be done.And the end result?Less than twelve months later I'd find myself needing to do most of it all over again.

  4. One of my half tracks in Last Defence won't let me fire,it just says 'Out of Range'.There is nothing noticeably wrong with it,it's fully crewed with no shaken or such message.It is possible that the machine gun has been taken out 'cos there's an awful lot of mortar rounds came down around it but I can't see anything that says it's out of action.Any other thoughts on why I'm getting this message?

  5. In the Reisberg scenario I just finished one of my 88swas hidden in the woods to the right of the town and decided to fire at some advancing GI's 200+ metres away.As the battle progressed I managed to persuade a Sherman into it's line of sight with smoke from a position where it couldn't have seen me firing.I managed to rotate the gun and take out the Sherman before it got a shot away even though it's turret was pretty much pointing in my direction.My question is,although the infantry have spotted the gun and is known to the US force in general,is it still hidden from the Sherman or were it's crew just very slow?

    Could someone also please explain how a Panzerfaust can cause casualties on infantry units.Is there enough of a blast away from the direction of the shaped charge to cause serious damage or just make troops take cover.


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