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Bill Gilliland

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Posts posted by Bill Gilliland

  1. Will the TCP/IP multiplayer for CM be one person per side, or will it allow teams of people to go head to head? For instance, each team could have a captain, who can detatch control of individual squads to subordinates on his team, who then issue the orders to those squads.

    And will every multiplayer game be 2-team, or will you forego the historical allies vs. axis setup to allow for more than 2 teams (like a 6-way free for all for instance)?

    These features of teamplay and multiplay are some of the nicest multiplayer features of Bungie's Myth real time tactical (RTT) games. I know a number of people who would be *very* interested in CM if it allowed team-based multiplayer games, even if a gamefinding server (like Blizzard's battle.net or Bungie's bungie.net) weren't planned. That's why we have Hotline. :)


    (For anyone on this board that also plays Myth/Myth II, i'm Patroclus of Clan Plaid: Archers)

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