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Posts posted by Huntarr

  1. Well Holy Hannah! After more than a year of hand to jar fighting Airburst's Cone of Death has come back with a vengeance and they are meaner & better looking than the original. OUTSTANDING! {Break} Don't let this low res .gif fool you Devilpups they are mean & nasty. There is hot lead in the air and the dust is getting kicked up. {Break} Steve is gonna NJP(Non-judicial punishment) my arse for showing you this, but I'll tell him that we had a bad C2 radio link. {Out}







  2. I'll say this, if want to know where you and the enemy are with your fancy FBCB2 nintendo wii whatever, while Jodie is fingering ole Mary Jane rotten croutch then the Stryker is your vehicle......but if you want to put a serious case of 25 mike mike bushmaster whoop ass on 'em then the LAVs what you want. Heck the AAV's got 40 mike mike & a Maw Duece, pick you poison. Plus it's got 25 hot sweaty pissed off Hard chargers just itchin to get out of that NOT air conditioned tin can.;)


  3. Negatory Devilpup. That was just for info purposes, nor is the MRAP. Heck you won't even notice them not being in this module cause of the kick ass other toys you will have. The MK32 as an example, you'll need adult diapers the first time you get to play with them.




    Heck I'm glad someone still reads this har Mail Call

  4. Salwon,

    The other 2 squads (off screen) are about 200-300m in cover dismounted with their Strykers all in OVERWATCH behind the ones you see in the photos. This was an open field with no cover so that's why I used the Recon in Force. The MG team is dismounted and DEPLOYED. The HQ team is in a Stryker in the OPEN UP dispostion so that he can pass any contact info to the dismounts as well as to the other Strykers which in turn can pass that info quicker with voice rather than radio.

    OUTSTANDING question there Devilpupb3ts1j.gif


  5. The following is a dramatization. For the satirically impaired this a joke....

    Huntarr, whats up with that "irish pennant" thing?

    Who said that? Who the f*&$ said that? Who's the slimy little communist s$^&, twinkle-toe down here who just signed his own death warrant? Nobody, huh? The fairy frickin godmother said it. Out-fricking-standing! I will PT you all until you frickin die! I'll PT you until your aholes are sucking buttermilk! 2hozg2a.jpg

    US marines have a hate for Irish or whats with it? (im swedish so not to much into rituals and stuff of the US forces)

    Well, no s***. What have we got here, a f***ing comedian? Private Chainsaw. I admire your honesty. Hell, I like you, you can come over to my house and f*** my sister!

    LOL, I'm glad you asked Chainsaw. No, My Beloved Corps has given many-a Devil Dog this unfortunate neurosis…

    Irish Pennant

    A string hanging randomly from a Marine’s uniform. Longer ones are sometimes called rappelling ropes or cables. A squared away Marine will be free of Irish pennants, particularly at an inspection.

    They can be removed by using a lighter and burning the offending thread from the uniform but that has the unfortunate effort of burning the image into the mind of the offending Marine.:(

    The Corps does not discriminate against any culture, they want to travel to exotic foreign countries, meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture... and kill them.:eek:

    Thanks Chainsaw for playing along. That was a good question.

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