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  1. Great Work!! I was looking for sound MOD and can't find it. Someone mind telling me which page of thread?
  2. Not always true Fade although again I understand your point. I've seen them surrender when me or you would definitely have continued the fight (as opposed to ceasefire). Last scenario I played, which caused me create to this thread, I would guess they surrendered with 25% of their fighting force (not tank crews) still combat effective. Was anti-climactic is all I'm saying. Still a great game & appreciate your point of view!
  3. Good discussion! I think Rambler hit the nail on the head when saying it comes down to play styles or even just personal preferences. While I agree with Fade2Gray that it would be terribly annoying if mission didn't end until every last unit was destroyed (ala early Total War games). I think enemy gives up a bit early in certain situations as it is. I guess some would rather mission just end but I like the payoff of actually conducting successful assault after spending hours setting it up. Yes womble, even if it means losing a few more men. Don't think there is a 'right or wrong' answer here, just matter of opinion. Thanks for the replies!
  4. Thanks for the reply Hister. Mission did result in victory but would have liked to made the assault I worked forever to set up Oh well, still a really fun game!
  5. Hi everyone. Is there a way to extend mission or make it last longer? I played the first mission of American campaign which is 60 turns (60 minutes). I took my time during recon & initial combat phases. I eventually knocked out all of their armor & was set up to assault Government Center. And then the mission just ended with 20 turns left. It was a bit frustrating that I did not get the payoff of assaulting & completing objectives after all the 'hard work' of clearing the way. There was a full 20 turns left & just ended! Thanks in advance for the input on whether or not there is a way to extend missions. At least to the point it get to finish the turns shown.
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