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Hidden counter on battlefront site

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I installed Bugnosis yesterday, and surprise! It found a counter on the www.battlefront.com web page:

Bugnosis analysis of: Battlefront.com (http://www.battlefront.com/)

Highlighted images may be Web bugs.

Properties Contact Image URL

Tiny, Once, Protocols, Lengthy, Domain, TPCookie (VTC2166762=0) http://c3.thecounter.com/id=2166762&size=800&colors=16&referer=http%3A//www.battlefront.com/&java=true

Property name Description


Tiny image is tiny, so is probably not meant to be seen

Protocols image URL contains more than one Web protocol name (e.g., "http:" twice)

Cookie image URL overlaps with the cookie field too much

Lengthy image URL is unusually long

Domain image comes from a different domain than the main document

Once image is used only once in the document

TPCookie image comes from a different domain than the document and manipulates a cookie (Third Party Cookie)

Recognized compares the URL against a set of recognized Web sites


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