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Coming Soon - The battle of Tell Avbad

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Two British infantry companies go up against a militia force with mechanised reinforcements. 2 hours long, lots of blue support, big map. Blue Vs AI and mebbe H2H






Any volounteers to playtest this bad boy?


Situation: Enemy Forces

Seen as a relatively strategically unimportant area most of the Syrian regulard forces

have been withdrawn from this area. There are however still large amounts of militia

forces about made up from the local population. These are generally poor quality troops

with equipment to match, but in this built up urban environment they could still cause a

lot of damage. We expect these elements to be in Battallion strength

Intelligence suggests a mechanised force is being held in the area as mobile reserve to

counter any border crossings, it is likely these will attempt a counter attack.


Situation: Friendly Forces

You have 2 light infantry rifle companies under your command with pioneer elements from

the maneuver support company. You start with 1 rifle platoon, A companies fire support

section, and A company HQ units. Reinforcements will arrive over the first hour going

west to east.

Support is available from a light gun battery, 2 x AH-64, 2x Tornado, 2x Harriers and the

2 rifle companies organic mortars. This support will all be available from the start of

the mission but no more support elements will arrive as reinforcements.


Situation: Terrain and Weather

Tell avbad is a small but densley packed together town in north eastern Syria. Most of

the buildings are quite modern and there is a 4 storey building where the 3 main roads

intersect which dominates the skyline. Other places of note are the police compound and


The town is surrounded by fields which while mostly flat do have undulations where enemy

can hide behind.


Mission: Overall Description

As one of the main crossing points between northern Syria and Turkey it is essential that

Tell Avbad is captured to maintain the the supply lines for the Nato operations in this


The 3 Nato countries operating in this are have not the sufficient man power to complete

this mission and as such the British has volounteered a Battalion.

With the town being so close to the Turkish border it did not take long for word of troop

buildups in Turkey to reach Tell Avbad, as such the civilian population left in a hurry.


Execution: Commander's Intent

Defeat enemy forces in the area and secure the roads. The police compound and central

building are to be preserved in order for us to set up positions to secure the road from

insurgent activity, likewise the mosque is to be preserved for obvious reasons.

As there is no civilian population area you are cleared to use whatever force you feel is

neccessary against any confirmed enemy position.

You have plenty of time, use it to keep your casualty rates down and be aware for enemy



Execution: Basic Plan

The sniper platoon have worked their way towards the town and the western village. The

section headed for the western village heard sounds coming from their and made for the

shelter of one of the houses.

Use the other Sniper section to recce the town while moving first platoon up through the

western village. Once the village is secure use it as a base of fire for the attack on

the town and to interdict enemy reinforcements.

As the other platoons start to arrive slowly work your way into the town, be aware for

enemy ambushes.

Be aware of ammo consumption, use your vehicles for suppressive fire and save your

infantrys ammo for when they can spot enemy targets. A group of trucks have been supplied

for ammo resupply purposes but they are limited in how much they can carry.

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