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My own narrowly focused SP CMSF wishlist


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With CMSF having been out now for some time. Updated and patched to the point of being one of the best war games out there today...and with newer BFC games on the way... Here are some of my own personal (albeit somewhat narrowly focused) wishes that I think would add to CMSF, the single player experience as well as maybe grow the games player-fan-base slightly more even at this late stage of CMSF...(while waiting for CMSF-2 to come out).

1. Open up all campaign (baked) missions/scenarios into stand-alone missions. This would allow one to replay many of these missions, while tweaking forces structures, AI, etc, etc. Virtually adding numerous more missions almost instantly (with just a little work).

It would additionally help serve as a further tutorial for those wishing to learn more about making missions and seeing how some of these great scenarios were created / scripted (behind the scenes - while going over them in the editor). Which would then only lead to more scenarios/missions being created.

2. With a segment of today's military operations involving going after particular individuals I think it would be great to develop on this notion within CMSF even more than it already allows for.

A) If capturing / destroying unit X is part of Blue's mission. I think it would be better that this only be accomplished if said "unit X" is actually captured or destroyed. As is now, if the opposing force (in total) surrenders it automatically gives credit for the capturing / destroying of such a unit. I don't necessarily like how this works.

The AAR / map at the end of the scenario is one of the best features of CMSF (if it gave a detailed breakdown of which friendly forces were actually WIA/KIA it would be that much greater!...and from what I read will likely be part of CMSF-2 in the future).

But simply looking back over the map and seeing what units were where and trying to recall how it all played out is something I do for sometime after each operation. Also, going over the map in search of a given unit you were tasked with destroying and seeing if you actually have done so. I find myself doing this quite regularly at the end of a mission. Only sometimes to see that the given unit is actually alive (but I was given credit with capturing / destroying said unit because of the overall surrender).

B) Perhaps allow for a given "unit" to only be on the map for X-period of time. After this point the unit leaves the map and is considered "escaped" out of the AO. Or maybe create an out of bounds area where if a given unit reaches such a place it is deemed to have escaped from the AO. Which would add another layer to trying to locate / track down a given unit while involved in a larger battle that is happening around that.

3. With today's operations having regularly cross-over of not only units but differing branches of the military and in particular SOFs working directly along side conventional forces (or vise-versa) I think it would add greatly in finding an even better way than there is now (simply creating a small force of "elite" recon Team) to allow for a better representation of SOF units within CMSF.

And not with the whole elaborate need of creating a whole new SOF branch to go along side the Army/Marines, but just maybe allowing for an additional level within the novice to elite ratings...

Possibly nothing more than novice-green-veteran-crack-elite-SOF. Where the SOF rating would just give an additional tweak / boost to situational awareness, FO capabilities, CQC weapon accuracy and maybe even a boost to fatigue levels?

This suggestion may sound to "gamey" (for lack of a better term at the moment) for some....but I think it could be used rather well and bring in an additional fan base to CMSF and CMSF-2 going forward.

I likely should have taken more time at putting my thoughts together here...as these are admittedly written down somewhat ad-hoc (as I found myself today with an unusual 30 minutes to spare while at work and looking at the forums here at BFC).

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