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No shadows/vanishing units

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Typically I turn shadows off, but I decided to enable them yesterday, only to find that when I did, there were no shadows and all infantry on the map vanished. They were still technically there and firing at targets but they were totally invisible and unable to be selected. All crewmen visible in vehicles like HMMWV drivers were also invisible. When I turned shadows off, it went back to normal.

Currently my video card is a GTX 260 with the latest drivers from this January. In my control panel I have several options changed trying to get CM:SF to run smoother but none directly related to shadows.

I am wondering if this is related to the white shell casing bug I don't have much of an idea.

I don't know if this belongs here but I noticed three minor bugs not related to my computer.

-When Marines reload their M16A4s the rifle's magazine is out of place.

-The model of the M16A4 with M203 was not corrected like the standard M16A4 was. (part of the front end of the assault rifle is missing)

-When Marines are sitting in the back of trucks, etc. you can usually see their weapons but it seems some of those weapons like to vanish leaving the Marine holding nothing.

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The shadow problem is a known issue with Nvidia cards and how they render shadows (sometimes referred to in other games as "Shadow Shimmering") and unfortunately not anything we can do to fix. This is why we advise people to disable shadows when they see such a problem manifest itself.

I will make note of the other clipping issues you are reporting and see if others are seeing the same.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for the response, out of curiosity is this just an issue with the latest GTX 2xx series or with most Nvidia cards?

I am just rather surprised at how little mention there is of these issues (the shadows and white shell casings) if they are common to most Nvidia cards.

I understand there may be nothing you guys could do to fix this but is Nvidia aware of these issues relating to CMSF (and possibly CMx2 WWII)?

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