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I wished I had never bought this

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After installin patch 1.2 I thought that Ill now get what I payed for - and what did i get - nothin, now the ****ing game doesn't even start!!!! I payed 35 bucks for a disc and packing - the production of this may cost 1$!!! And the best thing is that I can't give it back cos it's not the fault of the salesman!!!Wooohooo but no problem, my second name is Rockefeller....Hope the Cocktail you drink on Hawaii tastes well you bought with my money

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Well, thank you for not only showing you lack of maturity in your post but also cussing and giving us NO info what-so-ever to try and help you...

Perhaps in the future you could try and give us the tools to try and help, but then based on your post above, probably not.


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