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Weather settings Lighting Shadows

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There are alot of variables for light yet little explanation. The mission editor tutorial gives examples of a foggy or sunny day but little else, searches have nothing.

I want my battlemap to have very pronounced terrain shadows as the ground is hilly. Especially if the sun comes from the north

I noticed variables in the mission settings for declination, horizontal, sun , Horizen zenith.

So far I've adjusted:

Time of Day: affects the direction of the sun

Declination: affects the light Angle?

Abient lighting: affects ground shades but be careful cause this can make textures like grass look like crap.


Thanks to everbody for your help (slappy) I have a pretty good scenario in the works, just waiting for Finn's skins ;)

[ December 08, 2007, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Nikki Mond ]

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just waiting for Finn's skins ;)
That's two of us then! I have a 9 mission British campaign set in Normandy late June/early July, nearly (85%) finished. I really need camo for the SS panzer grenadiers of I & II SS Panzer Corps, who are the opposition.

BTW the lighting looks really good

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