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theatre of war and CM on new macs (they do windows)

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I love CMBB and CMAK, which I have used on my Mac G4. Ever Since I upgraded my monitor and video card had the unexpected bad fortune of not being able to play these games anymore. There does not appear to be an easy fix.

Anyway will Theatre of War and CMBB (pc) and CMAK (pc) play on the new Windows running MACS ? What would you suggest to be the best, cheapest way to get this stuff functional. I've been into MACs for a long time because I'm in the art business, but they are a pain for gaming. And they are expensive. Your games are pretty much the only video games I play--Truly Incredible! I've obsessed over miniatures and rules for a long time and i was blown away by CMBB and CMAK. I guess I could go back to the older video card on my G4, but honestly, I bought a bigger monitor for a bigger, badder CM experience. It required the new video card.

I would really appreciate some sound advice about options and systems.

:confused: :confused:
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While we have not ever tested the older CM titles in house with the new Windows based Mac's, we have *heard* that they can be made to run. Your milage may vary of course.

My only suggestion for your situation is to try with the various demos and see if and how they run.


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Originally posted by ROSTOV3:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Anyway will Theatre of War and CMBB (pc) and CMAK (pc) play on the new Windows running MACS ?

They run fine on a Intel Mac via BootCamp. Just like on a PC ;)

But like Madmatt says “try with the various demos and see if and how they run”

Originally posted by ROSTOV3:

And they are expensive.

Now am I confused. :confused:

Originally posted by ROSTOV3:

I would really appreciate some sound advice about options and systems.

:confused: :confused: </font>
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