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Need some help with new trigger function


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Bevore the uberpatch we had the possibilty to destroy units with

DamageObject ( UNIT , 129 , 100 ),

works fine but it causes allways a big explosion.

Now we have a new command with differend parts to destroy but i doest work for me :(

damagePart can be:

HULL - object is destroyed

TURRET - vehicle’s turret is destroyed

TRACKS - vehicle’s running gear is destroyed ENGINE - vehicle’s engine is destroyed

Example: DestroyObject ( GROUP , @group , HULL )

Maybe it's buggy or i've done something wrong?

My trigger:

DestroyObject ( UNIT , 563 , HULL )

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I think the filelist.txt causes some problems, as soon i add some new units in the list the game and mapeditor makes troubles.

Now i removed all units from filelist and all works fine.

BTW its a realy nice feature, ty for that BF smile.gif

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