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Yeah I already find that out, but thanks anyway :D

The game however is a big dissapointment to me :( It just doesn't work the way it should and it just isn't finished in my eyes.. (i had the Demo, but that doesn't matter much about the gameplay right?) I've "theatre of war" stays like this, I just keep playing the close combat series.. :( When someone finally overules close combat? :eek:

[ November 10, 2007, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: cc1/5 ]

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Originally posted by cc1/5:

...It just doesn't work the way it should and it just isn't finished in my eyes...

In many gamers eyes the first version of ToW seemed (ummm) a bit unfinished. And AFAIK the demo still shows this first version. Things have improved a bit since then with a patch reworking the LoS system and therefore the gameplay. Now there are 2 patches on the way (one fixing MP and the other one improving the game further - maybe both come together and it will only be one big patch). And an add-on is planned ($$ - you have to pay for it) with significant changes (e.g. infantry entering buildings, further LoS/LoF changes....).

Maybe after the add-on comes out you can check back and see how the development went.

I am enjoying ToW now for quite some months - but you are right: It plays completely different than e.g. CC or CM. You really have to play 'from the ground' - at least when handling infantry. In my mind you can still see the developement processes ToW went through from 2002 to 2007. It started at Codemasters and they were pushing towards a mainstream product (reduced weapon ranges, higher movement speeds, very tank heavy....). After they had dropped the game it was quiet for some time and then in 2006 Battlefront took over. From there on the game was bend towards realism. And you can still see, that bending is not the same than working from the beginning into that direction. The game still shines with tank combat. Additionally I am enjoying SMALL infantry battles (when you actually micromanage your troops). But there is some room for improvement with the infantry and gameplay tweaks for infantry battling tanks.

To sum it up: I hope ToW gets the time to move on further with the development steps we see since summer 2006. The direction is the right one, the first step was just a bit short to make it a broad winner with the grognard fraction. Hopefully coming steps will do the job for all of us (or at least most of us)!!!

Hope to see you back here at one point.


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Originally posted by cc1/5:

...The direction is the right one, the first step was just a bit short to make it a broad winner with the grognard fraction. Hopefully coming steps will do the job for all of us (or at least most of us)!!!


Yes the direction is the right one, but, in my opinion there has to change a LOT to make this game work :(

Things that really pist me of during the demo:

- Soldiers just don't abay orders (and i'm talking about soldiers who haven't panicked)

- Not just a fire order

:confused: (you can order to "atack" but than the morron wil MOVE to the enemy target :mad: & you can order "area fire" but before the morron finally fires a the selected area, the target has moved to an other area :mad: )

- Not the ability of entering houses (wy the hack ain't that possible :eek: )

- Because of bad terain:

- Not the ability of hiding an AT-gun (or whatever)

- Almost no place for cover for infantery

- No smoke grenades and stuff

- In the moment before battle not the ability to "digg-in" wich makes that the (impossible to hide AT-gun also hasn't cover :rolleyes: )

- the way you have to CONTROL the whole thing; camera vieuws/unit movement/unit orders etc, etc. It doesn't work :(

(-supressing fire

-sight lines/fire lines)

-The game doesn't run smooth, whyle my system matches the suggested Requirements


And probebly a lot more things...

[ November 11, 2007, 04:00 AM: Message edited by: cc1/5 ]

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Originally posted by cc1/5:

- Soldiers just don't abay orders (and i'm talking about soldiers who haven't panicked)

Extensive use of the "Hold fire" and "Hold position" button did the Job for me. After the first frustration I had all my units either on "Move" or "Attack"... or on "Hold position". As soon as they do not move and have no "Hold position", they start to look for better positions for attack or defence and wander off.

Originally posted by cc1/5:

- Not just a fire order

:confused: (you can order to "atack" but than the morron wil MOVE to the enemy target :mad: & you can order "area fire" but before the morron finally fires a the selected area, the target has moved to an other area :mad: )

Some goes here: As soon as your unit has an "Attack" order and NO "Hold position" order - it will start to wander off and look for a better spot to fire at the selected target. With an additional "Hold position" order the unit stays were it is and fires at the target.

Originally posted by cc1/5:

- Not the ability of entering houses (wy the hack ain't that possible :eek: )

This point is absolutely valid - and hopefully it will get addressed in the add-on:

Look at this thread You will find this screenshots there.

Originally posted by cc1/5:

- Because of bad terain:

- Not the ability of hiding an AT-gun (or whatever)

- Almost no place for cover for infantery

Again: You could not be more right. Right now an ambush works only on maps with many obstacles. A big drawback is e.g. that tall grass does not provide cover right now... it is just eye candy. But:

Originally posted by Sneaksie:

Right now grass doesn't affect visibility, but in addon it will provide concealment (it's planned).

He is the main 1c guy here on the forum

Originally posted by cc1/5:

- No smoke grenades and stuff

- In the moment before battle not the ability to "digg-in" wich makes that the (impossible to hide AT-gun also hasn't cover :rolleyes: )

Another two valid points. At least with the first one we have a statement from Sneaksie again:

Originally posted by Sneaksie:

Addon will have enterable buildings, probably smoke, new level of model detail, enhanced graphics, new visibility system (no more 360 degrees tank view, etc.), revamped MP, and more. Estimated time of completion is several months.

Originally posted by cc1/5:

- the way you have to CONTROL the whole thing; camera vieuws/unit movement/unit orders etc, etc. It doesn't work :(

This is actually something many newbies to ToW were complaining about. I had the same problems too. But after setting the "Camera mode" in the options menue to "Attach to cursor", the middle mouse button is doing the trick for me. Since then I am totally happy with the camera control. I had no problems giving orders to my units.... How would you expect it to work properly???

Originally posted by cc1/5:

(-supressing fire

-sight lines/fire lines)

Again: Improvements will be hopefully part of the add-on. There is a LoS/LoF tool in the making right now. You will hopefully be happy to hear that is relaitivly close the target line of cc that changes its colour. Here is alink to some screenshots .

Originally posted by cc1/5:

-The game doesn't run smooth, whyle my system matches the suggested Requirements :(

Try reducing the details and try disabling on CPU core - but unfortunately ToW is a resource hog and needs lots of it.

So, while many of your points are valid and I can understand your frustration at the beginning... do not write it off completly. If it is nothing for you right now...Fair enough! Maybe the add-on will fix many things that are issues for you right now!


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