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Some questions now that it's out for a while

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Unit behaviour seems to have improved with the patch quite a bit.

Terrain is fine in itself, it's the lack of cover (besides trenches, houses and the hills themselves) that's what's making it a poor game IMHO when it comes to terrain. Infantry defending a village vs. infantry has got 50% odds of winning since there is no cover for them to use.

It's a RTS, not a simulation.

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I have too agree, its the LOS issues that make this game a problem. Doesn't matter how many trees you have between you and a target, they dont do anything for cover.

Terrain is fine. As for grenades, the explosions are big, but I find they preform to what one would expect. For tanks at least the shells are all based on historical data, as for infantry weapons I really don't know.

Its a RTS for sure, though not like most others. Simple tank rushes will end up getting slaughtered, and no resources, so you must be carful with your unit to win.

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