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you know what would be cool


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Actually I think you will find that you can only see enemy units that your units have line of site to or can hear.

If you mean a bright area of visibilty and a greyed out area where you cannot see, then I think that would be a bad idea (no pun intended), its also the realm of the tacky click fest RTS where ranges are very short so all action happens on a single screen

With units potentially so far seperated it is far better to visually see the whole map, but not the units on it.

Very similar to the Total War series and combat mission series.

Just my opinion though.

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Had a neat incident where my tiger got off a shot, but right before the round hit, the tank dissapeared(LOS). But, the round still hit! Big black puff of smoke, and next screen was a dead T-34. I got the screens, but dont know how to post. KInda cool


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