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Need gameplay help


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Hello everyone. I downloaded the game when it first came out and I am having some trouble getting the hang of how exactly to move my troops. Here are some examles/questions.

Tutorals: The defense and attack senerios I can't beat. When I defend as the Russians, my two AT guns get popped by the German tanks in about 15 sec (am using defaut positions) and my ATRs can't seem to do anything, so all my guys just get killed

On the attack one, its the same thing but the other way around. My tank get killed off very quickly. If by chance they survive, when I assualt my infanty they usually end up dead. I tend to move everyone at the same time so everyone dies at the same time.

Last question is how do I attack with tanks? I tired Operation Whilwind (not the campaign battle) Both myself and the AI blew our airstrikes and arty in the first 10 min. After that it was just wave after wave of tanks and inf. My inf never even made it to the top of the hill most of the time, they usually got gunned down on the way. Plus it seemed that it took all 5 tanks just to knock out one german tank at the cost of 4 tanks. Sorry this is so long but I need help and I don't want to be vauge. Thanks

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The tutorial defence is there to learn how to lose I think. When attacking with Tank u send infanery first to spot the enemy AT Guns, then u trie to atack at the same time with your tanks from different location it helps a bit. and try to take out one AT at the time when u can.

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