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Graphic settings and disolving trees


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Is it possible to apply either AA or AF to the graphics from within the game or do you have to force these settings externally.

Secondly is there any way to stop the trees from disolving into the ground once they have been knocked down. It kind of destroys the realism really when you see the trees disolving.

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You have to force AA/AF via your video drivers as there is no setting for this within the game. Insofar as the dissolving trees are concerned; you're unable to turn this off as it seems to simply be the way the engine deals with this aspect of destructible terrain. I imagine this was a design decision born of necessity. Otherwise there is a potential for system resources being significantly taxed as the game struggles to keep track of all the fallen trees during a long battle, while keeping performance at an acceptable level. Just my suspicion anyway.

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