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BTS: Can Mac CM sound volume be reduced?

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As discussed previously, Apple SoundSprocket 1.0 provides much better sound in Combat Mission than newer versions (1.7.1 upwards).

However, I have finally put my finger on a problem I noticed some time ago. Essentially, sound sources at high altitude (ie. game height 15 as opposed to 5) are too loud, and when the camera is placed directly above them, they distort to unpleasant effect. This is nothing to do with system volume or speaker volume, it is in the game software, ie. SoundSprocket.

As this is not only Apple software but old Apple software, I know the problem is neither yours nor even theirs. However, I just wondered whether when integrating SoundSprocket, you have a mechanism to set the sound volume. I am aware that you originally had the PC volume set to maximum, so I was wondering if you did a similar thing on the Mac. CM is the loudest thing on my system, but the interface sounds aren't bad – only the in-game sounds, ie. those handled by SoundSprocket.

This issue may be redundant due to CM2 and Mac OS X, but I wanted to bring it up to ensure that you're aware of it. I'm not expecting an immediate fix for CM1.

[ 04-22-2001: Message edited by: David Aitken ]

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