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The Campaign


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Hey I had some questions about the campaign. I know they said soldiers would carry over etc, but how is it structured? Do you follow thru the campaign as part of a specific unit( 1st Infantry, LAH, 34th Panzer div etc) or are you put in charge of different armies/divisions/battalions etc? Does the outcome of a specific battle change where you fight next (like Panzer General) or does it just change the difficulty of the next battle? Do you have to finish a campaign to unlock another one? Is it just the German campaign, for example, or are there different campaigns for each country, like Barbarossa/Balkans/Poland/France for Germany and Husky/Torch/DDay for Allies etc? Is everything fully historic, or is there alternative history type battles? Such as Seelowe, or alternative battle at Moscow, or maybe even France invading Germany during the Poland invasion....any chance of seeing those?


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From what's been posted before, I don't think these campaigns are tied to historical units. You are not following any specific unit, but like in the CC3 campaign you have a collection of units that you take from mission to mission, replacing them as newer, better units become available or as units are lost in combat. Screenshots show point buy costs for various units. I suppose you could collect a bunch of SS units, but at this point it is unclear if they are more expensive than other unit types like they were in the CC series where the SS is assumed to be elite.

There are specific campaigns for the various nationalities and they have varying numbers of missions. The Polish and French campaigns are much shorter than the Russian, for example. The exact number of missions has been posted here somewhere.

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