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Realism Level Setting


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Don't know how many of you noticed, but in the final screenshot of the AAR at SIMHQ that showed mission complete, there was a setting that said "Realism: High." I asked the question in the AAR thread, but it was apparently lost in the flood of other questions.

What does the realism level do? Does it change things like Fog of War, morale system, artillery use etc? Or does it change fundamental mechanics like infantry and armored combat, toggling between Sudden Strike, Close Combat and CM levels of modeling?

I haven't seen the feature discussed anywhere.

Official response preferred, wild speculation encouraged.

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Originally posted by Aacooper:

What if realism "High" (or add another level "More Groggly") meant that you couldn't crew enemy equipment? Maybe there will be some other pet peeves people will find?

Up to the player - if you think that it is unrealistic - just don't do it. :)
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