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Having been a long time Strike Force and other war simulator fan for a long time I can really say that this game is awesome.

My last game I messed with was JTF. Well, that game kind of sucks for many reasons. The arcadeness of it and the "Joint" of it. You get a medic with Rangers with a bad and annoying German accent, British commandos, French engineers all supposed to be working together and no TOE. How stupid can you get ? Strike Force turned mye off long ago with the crazy scripting.

So, I would like to say, thanks for not trying to do stuff like this just for sales. The point of a simulator is not to have to try and ignore unrealistic scenarios/situations and implement your imagination too much.

If the US goes to war in Syria or Iran we will get no help from anyone except after the fact and in limited capacity like now in Iraq. So, thanks for the US emphasis in the game.

As for WWII coming to the game- I am tired of the genre. But, that community will only be a big positive here. When the WWII community comes here they will only expand this game on all levels because a lot of that crowd is very artistic and ingenious on all levels and it will spill into modern combat and fuel the future of the game, believe me.

A down side of the game is the same complaints I have seen in other threads:

Casualty and civilians. It would be awesome to see evacuation in game because that is "reality". I would not like to see, healing though. Healing is lame and unrealistic.

The lack of presence of civilians is annoying. I saw the argument that civilians run away. Well, that was not the case in New Orleans a couple years ago and it certainly was not and is not the case in armed societys in the Middle East. In fact, in Somolia the complaint I read from soldiers who served there was that civilians actually ran towards the sound of gunfights to catch the action.

But the real problem is the presence of civililians would greatly hamper the US use of firepower. While invisible civilians affects spotting- it does not affect the use of a 155 barrage ?

I think casualty evacuation and visible civilians should be implemented with a turn on and off option.

You can do what you will with your game- but look at the number of comments on this, if you don't do it, then someone else eventually will.

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