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With the past CM products there were endless historical and hypothetical battles to be created.

Please post ideas for CMSF! But darn they are few.

Given the narrow focus of CMSF what can we do?

This CM does not have the the "take ur breath away" aspect yet ... but it will ... give it time


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Doesnt fit the invasion Syria theme, but...

I'd like to see a scenario where an understrength FOB is under a large scale Uncon attack. The goal for the US force being to prevent the FOB from being overrun while at the same time trying to break through with a reaction force. You could make it a purple force to simulate IA working with the US forces. It would obviously have to take place in a urban setting.

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The scenario editor is 10x more fleshed out than in CM 1

There are almost endless possibilities and you can create for gorgeous maps

And it is only going to get better as the average level of computing power inscreases and maps can become larger and more elaborate

I think in about two weeks when people learn the editor better and get the AI plans down we will see a steady stream of scenarios that only get better and better in terms of quality

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