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Question of Tactic & Doctrin? (Campaign Spoilers)

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Originally posted by molotov_billy:

President Cartman,

Could you take your comments into a more appropriate thread? This one is about Tactic & Doctrin.

yes thanks, by the way, why is thread hj-jacking isn't decleared as crime :D

back to topic

First: Thanks to al "helpers", here are my impressions while i get use of your tips.

the "first" new try was desastrois. Its starts very well, but i lost to much time to shot a hole in the wall and getting surprised that even infantry deny my orders to pase the hole, so i tryed to advanced the gate nord-east and than advancing the first Object (Airport HQ)

The ambush was something realy ... yeah well how you fell i you smash something realy down...

i get some loses but i done it. its amazing tho watch 3 Stryker groups supressing 4 Buildings while the arie holding down the flank. and after that a group rush in at full speed (followed by a second group to support) stop behind the building and than the troops rushed in... 15 minutes later it comes very "quite", something irritating but very atmosphericaly.

nice try but a fail couse i already lost to much time. the following advanc at object two (Barracks) was to difficult from this position. i must expose my Strykers on open ground to the object three to support FireSupport and the SpecialForces use this offer... i manage to get in the SpecialForce HQ but din't get it clear fast enough an with maximum loses...

so i try a second one, tho erase this memory... :mad: :D

once again i advanced trough the gat NorthEast this time lost one stryker. he traveld over a protecting ditches and don't come out. I know this is real, a friend of me was inside a APC while the comander burying a ditch (they remove there nametags atm where the lift-team arrived the szene... :D ) but this is realy frustating.

now i take the hard tour, immidiate advancing at the SpecialForceHQ it was realy hard, exspecaly couse there is no real cover an this quadrat-building east of the objectiv (carring RPG troops) is a very evectiv forwardet defense. My first intense to pass left and right and then ambush this building was bull****, i paid badly, after a reload i done my longest round (thinking about 10 minutes for one turn) i figuret out, that the only chance i could get are the 4 building at the NorthWest corner of the map. the "hot side" are only directet to the south (from this point of view) but well there are still sitting a couple of ATGM/RPG guys and they are aiming that good, that they can turn my ambush a quick "old-metal trowing".

ok i ordered massive firesupport. everything i have was, was ordered to shoot at on point (NorthEastCorner of the objectiv building, nice effect) while 3 Strykers advancing to the buildings. i need about an hour, 1 ctd and reboot and about 5 relaods to (micro)managed the ai to do what i want, in the time i want...

what to say about, it works. the feeling was very impressiv. like you climb a rock, get 3 fingers in a smal edge an lift you up with that, very impressive... but neverless 3 fingers a to less ;)

atm i had 2 HMG troops, one full fireteam, a spotter an a sniperteam in position and two buildings clear next to the object (i only "risk" to get to distant buildings)

now with the additional firepower (man 2 SAWs with clear side to the bogey are devasting :cool: ) i ordered 2 more strykers in (a second fireteam to suppress the building westly of the objective) an 2 HMGs troops... now with the edge in my hand i risk the full ambush.

First clearing the north edge of the building and than use the covered edge to get in...

all in one it takes 25 minutes (ingame time) unil i get control over this HQ and only take 2 loses in battle (2 strykers, but empty...)

well and again 3:00 am, this game sucks my life...

this evening i have about 48 minutes to blast the rest of these bastards out of the map...

one simple question: how can i control if ia "solve" an objectiv. in the briefing was mentioned to clear, discover and than destroy the buildings... but my ammunition is to expensive to waste it in this way (my MGS Strykers cary at this point only 4 shells for the gun... massive fire support has its price)

[ August 10, 2007, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: Raptor 2101 ]

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