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TCP/IP Lockups

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I had a very frustrating experience last night. A friend and I were playing online and everything was working great. We completed several moves and data transfers without a hitch.

Then, suddenly after we made our moves and we got the data transfer screen, I watched the (blue) status bar fill up to show the transfer had completed, then I hear a "ding", and the screen locks up. I hit the escape key and I am booted out of CMBO. I reconnect to his IP again (love the autosave BTW), we make our moves, data transfer status bar fills up and "ding" again. After reboots and pulling our hair out. We decide to finish it by online email since it was such a close hard fought battle. We finally finish up about 3A.M. in the morning and I grab a blanket and the couch since the wife had locked the bedroom door frown.gif. Any help in fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated. BTW, we do have the 1.12 version and very capable systems.


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I don't recall noticing any duplicated captured crews, but I I guess it was possible. There were only a couple captured units in the entire game since it turned into a real "meatgrinder." All I know is that we both have played online CMBO games before without a hitch. These intermitent problems are the worst because they are so hard to replicate and troubleshoot frown.gif.

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Reason I'm asking is it has happened to me a few times. The last two games I happened to notice that crews I captured got duplicated right before the crash. First game was jeep mg crew and second game was howitzer crew. the duplicates showed up only in order phases right before crash. If you finished PBEM, and still have the files take a look at some of them and see if you notice this.

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