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Questions and sugestions about xp


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Hi !

what do the 3 or 4 xp represent for each played game ? it looks sometimes weird

ex : A game where the enemy pair was worth 7, mine 6, at the end game with no damage on either side :( the enemy team gets 4 pts each, while I get 3...


- give a number of xp for each turn adavntaged or tailing, and or xp for echa point of damage ?

- give a number of xp based on the victory/ defeat status of the mission

just suggestions, minor improvements...

regards all


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When you're playing with low level pilots, it's not uncommon to end the mission where nobody scored any points for damages and kills. We included a few "free" points so that your pilots at least get something for flying. We gave the AI pilots an extra point as a way of compensating for the less than optimal play AI pilots sometimes do.

Early versions of the game actually did award points for turns spent advantaged and/or tailed and other events that occurred throughout the mission. In the end, we threw all that out in favor of a simpler system based on damaged and destroyed aircraft because that's what players expected victory or defeat to be based on.

We don't award XP based on the Victory/Defeat status of the mission, but we do award "Rank Points" based on that. You will move closer to your next promotion for a victory than for a defeat.

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Originally posted by bartbert:

We gave the AI pilots an extra point as a way of compensating for the less than optimal play AI pilots sometimes do.

Why bother? AI pilots don't get to spend them anyway.
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Not much, really. As mentioned, the level of victory has some effect on how fast you get promoted to the next rank. Beyond that, it comes down to the fact that most players want some measurement that tells them whether they "won" or "lost" the battle. Just comes down to bragging right, I guess.

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