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Enough IS Enough!!!!!


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I am sorry I know my I.Q. has not dropped 50points in 5 days , when inferior planes and pilots are beating the **** out of my planes and superior planes and pilots are really beating the **** out of my planes. I am taking a walk.

I LOVE this game but what ever you have done to it with this last update has make it no fun.I do not like playing with no chance to win.

I am taking a few days off , I taked three of my frinds into buying it and will listen to thier feedback. As for me I just see too much and too powerful bots at the moment!

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first, i want to tell you that i understand how you feel after you lost some of your top pilots (it happened to me some time ago but you tend to remember things like that...), but i do not think your conclusions in this and your other thread are right. I have played the game since the beta test (although not as intensively as some others)and i have never bought the IMS:2 Destroyed card since i always thought it took the challenge out of the game. Without it, middle level (ca. 200 to 500 XP) dogfights can be a real challenge for some nations and high level dogfights are often decided with the first attack because turning a game around after you lost a plane in round 1 is nearly impossible.

But in my experience the changes in the last update made dogfights a bit easier on average, since you can always get lucky and the bot you are playing is weaker than you are or is flying an older plane, a thing which could not happen under the old system. On the other hand now you occasionally play pilots who are exceptionally powerfull...but i found that no great change from the old days when you always fought top pilots in the best planes ;) .

Maybe you should just take it as a string of bad luck and buy a couple of vertical rools or an ace pilot whenever you fly without escape death....at least that is what i do.


If your break lasts for some days i wish you a happy new year.


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