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Why not a global map? And the inclusion of Japan?

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Caluga caviar is great on a Ritz cracker with a smear of Skippy peanut butter washed down with a spash of rare cognac out of an oversized snifter served in the back of a chauferred limo by a skilled servant accustomed to waiting on Royalty. :rolleyes:

An alternative might be most any brand of peanut butter on most any brand of cracker washed down with a decent cup of American blend coffee. I guess that would cost around $12.00 at StarBucks but somehow I do it at a fraction of the price in our kitchen.

As for an SC2 map of the world, Hmmmm? ;)

[ May 09, 2004, 02:29 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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