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FOW and Suprise Enemy Contact

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In the SC2 will there be someway to distinguish between what is really "Suprise Enemy Contact" and what is good hunting? Should there be a difference? I always play FOW and it drives me nuts when I remember the last position of that British Carrier and send my sub to get it and my Sub takes a suprise hit while inflicting no damage on the Carrier. Work arounds like sending a transport out hunting first or flying air units to discover the enemy work fine if you've got an airfleet or transport with nothing better to do. Same goes for attacking a city in Russia. You know that it's not sitting there undefended. Should I really be suprised to find the enemy there?

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I think its ok that if you don't spot the carrier, you'll get surprised when you run to it, even if you remember the last hex. (You don't now its exact location, course and speed any more, even if you remember the general 50 mile area: it's a viable fix for the problems resulting from that players do their turns one at a time.)

Of course having an additional toggle with a movement cost sounds good. (Although I'm not sure when we should put an end to adding new bells and whistles: they all add to the micro-management. On the other hand this particular one feels very nice and adds to the realism...)

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