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First of all, please forgive my poor english. Infact this is one of the dificulties about this game, we dont have translation in Portuguese, so the rules are somewhat in a kind of fog, eheheeh. But... I think that I'm starting to do somethig valuable to win the game. First of all, I never dispend much time or forces conquesting Norway or Greece. Forget about it. Investing in technological research and air force with the benefits entering in "bank" after the fall of Lower Countries, France and Yugoslavia. Conquestin Belgrad in the first turn of the attack and declaring war to Russia when soviets are 80% prepared. I tried successfully an anfibious attack , joining the finish in the northern front. Everything it's much easier after this. The attack on UssR coming from Turkey it's very possible, but... these mountains! Such a long time and risks. Meanwhile, generally I just leave 4 army corps in France, gradually (depending on the russian campaign) reforcing with other units.

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Welcome to our little group, I think your English is very understandable, not a problem.

You'd probably be more comfortable reading threads in the original SC Forum rather than this one, which is mainly concerned with changes we'd like to see in SC2.

I've never been much of a player but have to add that, of the mistakes you've mentioned, I've found lingering in Norway as the Axis certainly can be a big mistake. It probably cost me a game last year that I very much wanted to win, and might have if I'd avoided wasting so much time in Norway and Sweden. smile.gif

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i dont really think a norwegan operation is a mistake

cuz not only does it give u a couple mines and xtra mpps, and of course combat experience as any operation does, but -

1. it helps to anchor ur northern flank as germany

2. it helps anchor ur northern flank as britain

3. it gives u bomber and fighter bases against denmarkl and germany

4. it gives u uboat and bomber bases againts britain

5. it gives u sum line of sight intelligence of northern britain

6. its a good base for a diversionary invasion or northern britain

7. it gives u a base for a main invasion of britain

as for turkey, ive done an invvasion of turkey as the axis

my goals were -

1. gain control of constantinople/istanbul

2. gain control of the bopsporus and access to the black sea

3. use it as a base for an invasion of the caucasus, which during 1 of my campaigns in russia, was INSTRUMENTAL in greatly shortening the russian campaign, as -

1. it forced the red army to split its forces and weaken its frontline

2. i was able to capture a large part of russian oil production, and mpp production


or a sweden operation, cuz it gives u extra mpps, and bomber bases for northern russia

a n

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as for greece lol

it gives u bomber bases against egypt, and it can give germany a mediteranean port, allowing uboat operations in the Med

as for the mountains in turkey/russia, it was a bit of a pain, but it was more than worth the effects it brought

i also made an amphibious klanding in trhe caucasus to help with the overland route of the turkey force tongue.gif

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