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AI Research Suggestion

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The default AI scripts all have a maximum research chit allocation of 1. Increasing the allowed max chit count for the key technologies of each country would give the AI a chance of advancing more rapidly much as most human opponents would do. The cumulative probability difference between 1 chit and 3 chits is substantial. This could be tailored to specific countries...like HT for Russia and advanced aircraft for USA...etc. It would certainly add variety to the AI play.

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I would think that US would be more towards production and industria, maybe even with a lean towards heavy bombers. I mean sure the Mustang was a heck of a fighter but it had an English engine and could not keep up with the German jets, the only reason the jets were not a serious problem was 'production' the Germans just could not make enough of them soon enough to have any impact.

With that said you are right the AI should have a chance to invest more then one chit but I think random would be better then historical. If you make it historical then you will know ahead of time what the AI will be strong in. I would rather there be some guess work involved in it.

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Originally posted by Rolend:

the only reason the jets were not a serious problem was 'production' the Germans just could not make enough of them soon enough to have any impact.

Not sure if I agree about the exclusivity of not being able to produce enough planes as the deciding factor.

I believe the Germans also had serious problems getting well trained pilots for the jets they had. Being able to fly the jets required more training than the propeller planes. :cool:

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True. Numbers of jets (except the newest versions and prototypes) was not the problem, but rather that

a) by the time the jets came the war was already lost and nothing short of nuclear heads on A10 rockets would have made a difference.

B) There were only so much Adolf Gallands around ...

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Originally posted by rclawson007:

The default AI scripts all have a maximum research chit allocation of 1. Increasing the allowed max chit count for the key technologies of each country would give the AI a chance of advancing more rapidly much as most human opponents would do. The cumulative probability difference between 1 chit and 3 chits is substantial. This could be tailored to specific countries...like HT for Russia and advanced aircraft for USA...etc. It would certainly add variety to the AI play.

Or you can just double the value of each chit for the computer. This will save the AI some MPP and give it a 10% chance each turn to get each tech. Very easy to edit.
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