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NEED HELP ! Canadian Armageddon V2

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:confused: :confused: :confused:

i played this operation twice as german.

but this time the operation ended suddenly after battles 3, with total loss to me

1. the moral of my men is 37%, ok. the moral of enemy has exactly the same value.

2. at end of battle 3 i owned TROTEVAL, there are around 1000m to the end of the map.

3. i didnt surrender. i didnt make a cease fire.

i was happy defending TROTEVAL with such success and wanted to start my counterattack in the night with my resrves, comming in battle 4.

when i first played canadian armageddon, battle 4 began some 400m behind TROTEVAL, so i lost more land there.

i dont understand, why i lost the operation TOTAL, when enemy has twice my losses and i didnt reach the end of map ?!?!



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