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Buildings too weak? [was:Jerrybuilt factories]

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Does anyone else think that factories are too easiy to demolish in CMBB? I hadn't really thought about this until I read a replay where the poster said that he took a factory by turning it into rubble with T-34/M40s. Up to this point I had considered using any guns smaller than 105 mm for area fire into factories as total waste of ammunition.

I then decided to run some tests with the scenario editor, and I was surprised at the ease factories crumbled from 75/76 mm HE shells. It took a T-34 less than four minutes to rubble a factory tile. This seems a bit too easy.

I've read quite extensively about the urban battles of the East Front, and the durability of factories is often described. Reinforced concrete and thick brick walls were very hard to rubble. I have actually lived in a converted 19th century factory, and to say that the walls were thick and strong is putting it very mildly. Now, not all CMBB factories should be fortresses like the Tractor Works or the Barrikady, but I think that they might be a bit stronger...


[ October 26, 2002, 07:57 AM: Message edited by: Zakalwe ]

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Ok, changed the subject header, since it seems factories aren't the only buildgs which are too weak.

I've been playing several PBEM and hotseat games, and buildings seem like deathtraps to me. I was used to this in CMBO, where the problem was not too pronounced since the engagements were (generally) shorter, and the ordnance deployed was often of heavier caliber than in CMBB, so the effects seemed to be more in line with my expectations. In CMBB T-34s often carry large amounts of HE shells, and pounding buildings is often not a waste of time and shells.

Last night I had a talk with a fellow gamer, who happens to be a tanker and trains men in urban combat. He stated that if you spend two days straight pounding a factory with a 76 mm gun, the end result is a factory with many holes, not a rubbbled ruin.

To be fair the effects of larger guns (120 - 155 mm) seem to be pretty much ok. A non-reinforced building will bee blown to pieces with a few 122m he shells.

Of course things arent that simple, but it almost seems that the durability of builfings (light to heavy to factory) seems to increase linearily, while in real life the increase is closer to exponential. At the same time guns less than 105 mm seem to be a bit overly effective against buildings.


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