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My humble 1st offering ....

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This is the result of a 5 day total-immersion building marathon. Please download and test. Please post any constructive comments. If it sucks... tell me why, not just that it sucks. [g]

The map is from scratch, no generator has touched it.

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[ July 31, 2002, 01:01 AM: Message edited by: Sgt. Schultz ]

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too little allied arty and waaay too much axis arty. Why not just give the axis alittle more arty and the game can be over on turn one.

The map is great the points allocations are awful, at this point in the war the allies should a MINIMUM of 2 v 1 odds.

There is no way to get into the fight as the allied side since all approaches are covered by TRP's and TONS of axis arty, and all the roads are mined.

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Thanks for the input. At least someone is looking at it. [g]

I agree. I have been testing it myself against AI and it seems like I overdid it. We live and learn.

I will give folks about another 2-3 weeks to test it out some more to see what else may need adjustment, and then release version 1.1

I also found out I don't have to start out hidden as defenders, and this will be rectified as well.

Any other comments would be welcome. If the arty situation is completely untenable... feel free to jump into the editor and adjust; just post adjustments for me so I may match them with other tweaks.

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OK folks ... the same link above will lead you to version 1.1 Changes include...

Half(2 each) of the forward-deployed mines are removed. There are now only 2 AT and 2 AP mines up there.

1 FO from the Axis side removed.

1 FO to the Allied side added.

All defenders are now no longer hiding at start, to allow AI movement. (I was unaware of this at initial build)

This is meant for human vs human as I have nowhere near the experience yet for proper AI placement.

Note to testers ... This is a totally Fictional scenario and is labeled as such in the briefing header. I am just trying to make a playable battle before I start in on the grog-work. CMBB will be where I start that at this late date. The date for the battle was picked out of a hat and has no bearing whatsoever on the force structures or numbers of units involved other than available units.

In other words... grogs need not apply unless you want to just play around. smile.gif You probably won't like it and I am already aware of the numerous historical errors regarding force structure. I would not presume to try to match the great historicals that are already out there for our enjoyment(and I DO enjoy them greatly).

If anyone has any input at all I would love to see it here. I cannot improve my work without critiques. Is it playable? Should I tweak the initial placements, and if so, how? Is there another board/forum/etc where I may place this link for more exposure? Would you like it better if I swept the map clean and offered it as just a blank slate?

I am working on 2 more Fictional scenarios(TreeBurst Ridge{all uphill in heavy woods with gullies and ravines} and Blaze of Glory{forest fire battle}) but do not wish to repeat errors that can be corrected now for better playability.

I am painfully aware of how new and in-experienced I am at this. Only you folks out there can help me make them better. Please at least take a look.

Thanks for your attention,


[ August 07, 2002, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Sgt. Schultz ]

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