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600 point Axis probe, against Fairbank-s, AARykes

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[recon rules, 600 point Axis probe. Draw. Axis 100/30, UK 80/20]

A Co. ordered to recon important cross roads under hill reported enemy activity. If possible dislodge and occupy. Extra plt of seasoned troops, passing through after refitting, will join in the fun. Armoured car, HT with MG to provide support. 81 mm support.


Hmm, thought the captain after hearing the report from motorcycle scouts. A big hill, heavily forrested in front, open ground to the left and right, the cross roads in the low ground in front of the hill, a small village on the cross roads (what was its name again ?), then rising ground beyond the village, to another ridge, heavily wooded too. Scouts report that Tommies are digging in (sounds of spades, orders, activity).

Hmmm, thought the captain. They will expect us to come through the woods under the hill. Let's oblige them.

Hmmm, thought the captain, I think I'll ask some boys from HQ to join us: a LMG unit, and a sniper.


Hpt Schulmeister to HQ. Have gained strong foothold around cross roads but no progress to be made without reinforcement. Enemy element paratroop. estimated Co. strength with support weapons including 75 mm howitzer on commanding ground. Have taken losses 1 plt destroyed, heavy losses to other 3 plts.

MGs installed on high ground and also open terrain on right flank using cover and buildings. Also AC deployed this flank. Long range fire throughout engagement. Whole plt sent down hill into woods carelessly spread out as half squadsso as to draw fire, reveal enemy units and pin attention. Mortared without too severe losses; advanced up by bounds to cross-roads engaged enemy but ultimately overwhelmed firefight. Reserve plt committed as support, but embroiled costly fire fight in built area.

on left, infantry rush 2 plts timed to coincide with smoke screen, dashed over ridge line ran into woods in low ground, enemy plt overwhelmed with support MG fire. moved forward till contact with enemy third plt solidly entrenched houses on hill. One plt under fire howitzer, losses. Second plt send on flanking manouever, rushed howitzer, command element, 2 in mortar


HQ to Schulmeister

Losses unacceptable esp use of decoy plt Are you mad Profligacy in men and ammo intolerable in present times. results below expectations, esp. with extra plt and armor. Under whose authority did you borrow Pinger with MG 42 and Scharfschuetze Fell ?

Please report immediately Leave in Berlin cancelled repeat cancelled,


Schulmeister to HQ

Have already ordered birthday cake have you idea difficulty finding flour, sugar, eggs in spite daytime bombing

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Those veteran Vickers nests held out for so long because they were each in C&C of HQs with +2 Morale (heart) bonuses (that extra dram of rum didn't hurt either). The Paras in that northern stone building were well lead and kept their spirits high, as their Stens spit steamin' 9mm every time you tried to seize the Vicar's house.

The thing that stifled my localized counter-attacks was low ammo, even though I'd tried to exercise fire discipline. Those prolonged engagements near the north pines ate up my .303 slowly and steadily.

Furthermore, my pack howie just couldn't find your PSW 234/1, who kept out of PIAT range and hull down quite effectively.

i should have bugged out sooner on the south flank - before you'd dented it.

Nice little probe. In a skirmish of that size, I found myself counting how many Stens each squad had left as you attrited them, so that when the close engagements occured I'd know who to stand fast with. That, and praying that nobody dropped the Bren. What I wouldn't give for some Vickers 'K' guns on bipods.

And your damned Scharfschütze won't be eating any of the Oberst's cake...

[ June 22, 2002, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife ]

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