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Scenarios become corrupt!

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Hey everyone,

I've gotten back into the CM scene and made a mission for my dad and I to have fun in, but for some reason, I can't seem to be able to load the mission in the map editor anymore.

I can load the saved games I have of it perfectly..but it's like the scenario is corrupted, all it does is beep when I try to load it; is there a fix? Thanks!

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It's not corrupted but it is, unfortunately, irretrievable.

This occurs when your scenario is saved in your Cmbo/Saved games folder (which the editor defaults to). If you play the scenario and save it under the the scenario's name (which the savegame feature defaults to), it overwrites the original scenario .cmb with a savegame .cmb

Your scenario is a scenario no more. Now it is merely a savegame.

The only way to avoid this is to save your scenarios to the Cmbo/Scenarios folder instead of the Cmbo/Saved games folder.

It's heartbreaking, isn't it?

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