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Little Jem

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Um, Jackal, let me get this straight. Your zook teams knocked out *6* enemy armored vehicles, and you are *disappointed*? Give me a freaking break...

If the 3 zook teams in a standard company, no extras, get 1-2 enemy vehicles and keep the enemy armor at a respectful distance, then they have fully done their job. The things cost 14 points as regulars fer crying out loud. You expect each one to kill a Panther with every rocket or something? What is with you people...

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Just had a great experience with a Schreck. I've learned that good combat and stealth leaders can really help.

Obergr. Schwartz was in a hide position covering two must pass lanes. He was teamed with OberLt Grau(a +2 Combat, +2 Stealth).

First came the recon vehicles. A Greyhound travelling at a high rate of speed passes by and gets it in the can at 75m (one shot). The overwatching Greyhound slowly approaches to see what it can see. whoosh. Greyhound brewed up at 111m (one shot).

Fifteen minutes latter, the enemy's attack is failing. In an effort to get tank support to his faltering attack two Shermans pass by the team. Whosh, a Sherman (105) is brewed up (67m), killing the two flamethrower teams mounted on the back grill. The other Sherman, spotted the team and brought it under withering fire. Whoosh miss, Schwartz's loader is wounded. Whoosh, Sherman is brewed up (75m).

Out of ammunition, the Oberlt orders Schwartz towards a secure hide area. Unfortunately, five minutes later, Obergr Schwartz is killed by a random 155mm shell.

Schwartz received the Iron Cross First Class postumously for his bravery and steadfast devotion to duty.

Lesson, many players spread their at teams all over the map with out adequate leadership. If you have extra leaders (if you buy a heavy weapons company) pair them with hunter killer groups. Positioned correctly, a leader can move quickly to bring teams into their leadership radius once a threat is identified. Since I have adopted this technique my kill rates with zooks and schrecks has gone up considerably.

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