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Of Fusiliers and Gebirgsjägers

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I've been spending a lot of time this week creating a battle and have some questions:

The map is based on the area surrounding my parents house in a hilly, heavily forested region (rural). It is a US attack and when I started on it I decided on using Gebirgsjäger units as primary defenders. Since I wanted some sort of historical acuracy (not necessarily down to exact units and OOB)I went to jpipes excellent site and read up on Gebirgsjäger units. There I found that no Gebirgs Division fought in the WETO. Italy, yes. No problem, I thought, a regiment or battalion could have been thrown in somewhere. Now the question is where? Since the map only is challenging between april-sept because of the foliage on the trees I decided to go with Sept.

Now my first question: What places were fighting taking place during Sept 1944 that would apply to my description above? The map has elevations from 1-19 (2.5m /level), a stream or two are in it and the objectives are some small bridges over said streams. The mission of the Gebirgs is to hold on to these bridges (not blow them up) in order to plug a hole in a gap that has opened in the main defensive lines.

Question number two: Given the parameters above, would a Fusilier company be more appropriate? Does anyone have some good info on specific actions by these units? I understand that they were used both in a recon role and as "regular" infantry coys.

Anyone who has any suggestions, pointers, threats to hand out here? I thought it would be nice to model a Gebirgsjäger battle since these units are in the game and no scenario has them (that I've seen).



Geier, formerly Kettle Black.

"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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SS Gebirgs Division "Nord" fought in the Trier-Mosel area in December of 1944. It later retreated back through Germany until finally surrendering in Bavaria to the Americans.

There were two "Mountain Infantry" Batallions

that fought in the Strasbourg area, around about the same time period.

Both of these areas would fit the map description you gave. Why don't you move the period up a bit and sprinkle some snow around?

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Guest Germanboy

Gebirgsjaegerbatallione 201 and 202 fought the 36th ID with the 442nd RCT under command west of Strasbourg in the Vosges region. from your description of the map it should fit in quite well. Don't think you need snow as the area was hilly but not that high (think Huertgen Forest). I can check my source (Lost Batallions by Steidler) later, or you can email me privately.



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Thank you Kevin and Andreas, I wish my library was as good as yours!

Kevin, yeah, the map looks VERY cool with snow on it but, and sadly it's a big but, CM turns water to ice when you put snow on the map. If you can walk across the stream, the map becomes impossible to defend. The stream goes from 6 to 1 in elevation (CM scale) so in reality it never becomes frozen enough to walk across. Also, the map needs close to full foliage in order for the battle to be challenging.

Andreas, that sounds just like the ticket! Vosges, hmm I'll see what I can find on the net. I was thinking about placing it "Somewhere near the Siegfried line" or "Somewhere in the Huertgenwald".

This sounds a lot better. I'll pop you an email tomorrow.


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