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Finnish winter uniforms released - not


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A good effort. But, it's not just based off of Scipio's mod, and, uh, well, if people are going to use bits of my mod textures I would really appreciate being asked first or at least given some sort of credit for my work. I don't think that's asking too much. ;)

I don't mean to get snippy, but after the hours of work put in developing that particular mod set I get a little possessive of my work. Really, I want people to use my mods as a basis for others, honest, but please at least acknowledge where they came from.

Oh well, what is it they say? "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." smile.gif

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Sorry Andrew, but I really believed, that this was Scipio's work.

Then again, it might be that I have downloaded yours and Scipio's uniforms and have a kind of mixture of your works.

And no, you are not asking too much. First of all I made this just for myself and then gave it to few of my friends. Then they pressured me to release it on internet.

This is first mod I made so I'm new with this mod stuff.

I apologise every one I've offended. :(

[ November 25, 2002, 02:42 AM: Message edited by: ViHe ]

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Aw, man, now I feel bad. :(

It was late and I was tired, so perhaps it was not a good time to post. I thought I put enough smilies in the last post to indicate that I wasn't really PO'd. I guess what I should have said is:

Please, use the mod with my blessing and good will, but please in the future just ask or at least let me know first.
It's not that I get upset when people use my mods as a basis for other mods, in fact, I encourage it. All I ask is that permission is requested if you want to publicly release something based on my work, and that I be given credit for my work.

I see that you used both my mod and Scipio's mod as the basis for yours, so perhaps that is where the confusion lies. Everyone makes mistakes, don't worry about it.

Please, re-release the mod. No hard feelings.

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I always credit the person if I use the mod for a basis. sometimes though you can't get ahold of the person, so I always make sure when i post that I type in the heading who's mod I used for a basis, but usaully it's a summer mod I make for winter because it looks outa place in a winter setting

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