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Size of force limits

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Having created several scenarios with no problems/tears/loss of blood, I seem to have hit a problem in that in the latest scenario that I'm putting together I am unable to increase the defending side (axis) beyond a certain size, whereas the attacking side appears to have no limitation whatsoever. I have never noticed this occurring before. Am I missing something mindblowingly simple and obvious. Also, rather strangely, with this latest scenario I am now also unable to increase the size of the map which is well within the parameters. Both problems seem somewhat bizarre - anyone got an answer that isn't? Cheers.

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There's a limit in the number of individual units (team, squad, vehicle, gun, ...) for both sides. They can have the equivalent of about two full infantry battalions each. (The point cost has no limit, AFAIK.)

You don't want to keep track of that many units in a game anyway...

Map size:

IIRC the limit is supposed to be about 5 squarekilometres. Something like 1x5 or 2.7x2.7 km. (Im right in a middle of a battle I designed with a map 240m wide and about 3km long, cool for meeting engagements...)




Strategy is the art of avoiding a fair fight...

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Thanks for the info... Unfortunately, the scenario I am creating is based on a specific historical operation and it requires a lot of [historical!] barbed wire -but I can now certainly see where the problem lies if the wire is being counted as a unit. It's a shame that the wire isn't part of landscape setup like roads, hedges, etc., what with wire being pretty much a neutral kind of barrier - although, yes, I can see in a setup phase, a person is going to want to put it to their own best possible use. Stil, you have answered my first question and now, in response, I think the word I want here is DAMN! Heheh!

As far as the map size goes, I think I must have just encountered one of those quirky computational device problems, as I have created bigger maps and still been able to adjust the size of them; but this one just doesn't want to know!

Anyway, no matter, and thanks again for the reply.


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What you can do to recreate your historical scenario is to "bathtub" it. I.e. downsizing.

Try to replace each historical company with a suitable platoon instead, and you can also reduce the map scale in the same manner. Try half scale for the map and see what you get.

This will reduce your number of combat units, as well as cut down the barbed wire by half.

Bathtubbing is very common for most wargames...

I'm doing this for a historical scenario I'm working on myself.




Strategy is the art of avoiding a fair fight...

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Yes, I understand the concept but this kind of defeats the object of what I'm trying to achieve with the scenario; so downsizing the size of the units isn't really what I want to do. But thanks for the suggestion anyway. As it is, in this case, I'm simply being a little more conservative with the wire placing - what the hell else was I gonna do?! - and bear it in mind when I choose the next scenario.

Thanks again for the input,


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